Sunday, January 26, 2025

Yellow Bird Update ~


I am finally making progress on Yellow Bird.  I must say I am getting tired of this one, but being so close I must soldier on and finish the darn thing!

I am happy that I put my big girl panties on and hooked a real face, but this will not be one of my favorite rugs!

Her left arm was too fat and her hand ginormous . . . 

. . . so I have skinnied it up and will reduce the size of her hand!

Hopefully the next time you see her, the hooking will be completed.

Being a dog person, this always cracks me up.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Appears to me you accomplished a lot since you last posted an update. Soon this will be needing binding; I know, I know, I hate binding too, lol.

Maureen said...

LOL cute joke ! Yellow Bird is coming along nicely!! I’m curious now….do hookers ever count how many loops they put in a rug? (not sure if I’m using the correct terms). These are major projects you all take on .

Prims By The Water said...

Yellow bird is looking good even though it is not your favorite. Hate to tell you though that my cats did understand me...and each one had their own personalities...but to a dog person it was funny. Janice