Friday, January 31, 2025
I Just Can't Unsee It ~
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Yellow Bird Update ~
I am finally making progress on Yellow Bird. I must say I am getting tired of this one, but being so close I must soldier on and finish the darn thing!
I am happy that I put my big girl panties on and hooked a real face, but this will not be one of my favorite rugs!
Her left arm was too fat and her hand ginormous . . .
. . . so I have skinnied it up and will reduce the size of her hand!
Hopefully the next time you see her, the hooking will be completed.
Being a dog person, this always cracks me up.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊
Friday, January 24, 2025
Ringing the Bell ~
Ringing a bell after chemotherapy is a tradition at many cancer centers to mark the end of treatment. It's a celebration of the patient's accomplishment and can also symbolize relief and support.
Son J's (hopefully) last chemo infusion was today. He will have scans done in early February and praying he can put this nightmare behind him.
He even got a certificate 😁
Please keep him in your prayers. They are much appreciated.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Wonky My Way ~
For all the naysayers who said I could not hook wonky, I say "HA!". Look at this. To me wonky is being irregular and things not being uniform. My blocks are different sizes and not nice and even. Maybe not your definition of wonky, but mine 😁
Snippets of other rugs of mine that I consider wonky.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊
Friday, January 17, 2025
Yellow Bird ~
That's it for today. The sun was shining today in northern Ohio, a rare occurrence in January. Tomorrow rain is forecast for a good part of the day. What a sloppy mess it will be. Bitterly cold weather a couple days next week. If you don't like the weather in Ohio, stick around for a day and it will change!
A friend said this was AI generated and I don't doubt it (it's getting harder and harder to tell what is real), but it still cracked me up!
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Still Hanging In ~
I've been a bit MIA trying to get things done. My house is probably at 99.5% of normal. Piddly stuff left to finish. The dining room table and spare bed are still piled with paperwork I am sorting through. No one should have this much worthless/obsolete paperwork!!! The built in cupboard that I emptied a week plus ago is still a disaster with stuff all over the floor. A few little odds and ends of redecorating left to do. So close. I just want it all done!
I have finally found time to stitch a little. Since I changed the spacing between the alphabet rows, I need to resize the large snowflakes. The A B C D to the right has not yet been frogged.
A (very) little progress has been made on Yellow Bird. I will share in my next post.
I can't even begin to wrap my head around the devastation in California. To lose absolutely everything (and you have seen how materialistic I am). How do you come to grips with that? Just heartbreaking . . . but we mustn't forget the devastation in Florida, Tennessee and North Carolina that people are still dealing with. Our government can continue to send BILLIONS to the Ukraine and other countries while our citizens suffer. Our citizens should be the top priority.
OK. Off my soapbox.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Overwhelmed by Stuff!!!
Saturday, January 4, 2025
Not a Tease ~
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Lookee what I found ~
Found . . . but now needs to be used 😁
I also started another little Christmas stitchery. I believe I stitched this once a number of years ago but needed another no-brainer thing to work on until I found my hook. (Hook not really lost, but tucked away because I had no time to hook and didn't want the hooking mess in the living room during the holidays.) Once again on 28 count linen because as I have said, I have no linen stash. I started stitching it using the spacing on the chart.
Not happy at all with it, so started over with the letters and rows closer together. MUCH better . . . but there a couple of snowflakes whose size may need to be adjusted by a couple threads.
I hope your New Year has started off without a bang!
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
I'm not sure why I make New Year resolutions because I always fail miserably . . . sigh. The week before Christmas I decided to purge some paperwork. Did I really need 20+ year old income tax returns for me and my sons? I mean really!!! I have a file cabinet in the attic that hasn't been opened in over a decade. Hopefully I can continue purging paperwork that is totally unnecessary.
I have both a full basement (though small because my house isn't that big) and a walk up attic. I think they are more of a curse than a blessing. Both are overflowing with "stuff". For the most part I can't tell you what is there, so I probably don't need it, right? I have a fruit cellar. Full of things that I haven't looked at in many, many years. Are you detecting a pattern?
Perhaps 2025 will be the year I get a handle on at least some of my unnecessary items. Than again, maybe not 😁.
May you and your loved ones be blessed with health and happiness in the new year.