Sunday, August 30, 2020

Feeling Blue ~

I found this dyed wool in my stash.  I have no idea when or where I purchased it, but I love how it is hooking up.  I have no idea what color to call it.  It is blue, but also grey blue and there are hints of green.

This is hooking up quickly.  It measures about 17” x 13”.

iPad and I are still fighting.  New blogger interface and I are still going at it, too.  Why does this have to be so difficult?  I am happy I can finally do a basic post from the iPad, but I am really struggling.  I still can’t figure out how to see a preview.  It says it is preparing it, but it is nowhere to be found

Thanks so much for stopping by and listening to me whine.      (Now why is this showing as double spaced?)

Pug hugs 😊



Friday, August 28, 2020

Gobble ~ Gobble

Primitive Gobbler, a pattern by Anne Nichols is finally hooked.  What a terrible picture, but you get the idea.  I am too frustrated with blogger to try to take a better one.

I plan to tone down a few of the feathers.  Easier to see on the above picture those that are a bit too bright.

Argh!  I am again trying to blog on the iPad this time with the new interface.  The new interface is NOT playing nice!  I click on preview and it says it is preparing the preview, but I haven’t found the preview.  I am going to publish so I’m hoping for the best 😩. Anyone else have that problem?

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Happy National Dog Day ~

Here’s Ernestine and Molly a few months ago when they still “sort” of liked each other . . . sigh.  I now call them “pit pugs” but I know I am insulting pits.  I don’t know what has gotten in to them but they can’t be within 5’ of each other without wanting to kill one another.  I have an email in to a dog trainer that works on behavior modification.  Something needs to be done, SOON!

Please remember, adopt, don’t shop 🐾🐾🐾

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 🥰

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunset on Lake Erie ~

Last evening we took a walk on the "mile long pier" in Lorain.  The pier is not a mile long, but I could not find out how long it really is.  It was a beautiful evening for a stroll. 

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  It's so hard to believe August will soon be over.  Marly and I are not happy campers :(

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Primitive Gobbler ~

The official name of my 1847 Turkey is Primitive Gobbler.  I’ve made progress, but I thought I would have been done by now.  Since I am not fond of hooking letters or numbers, I am leaving that for last.

My naked ladies, aka resurrection lilies (Amaryllis Belladonna), bloomed prolifically this year.  This is my largest clump but I have many smaller clumps and even dug up some bulbs for a friend.

I know my blog friends in Arizona and California along with my son in Las Vegas have sweltering temperatures, but today in northern Ohio it is a beautiful day in the low 70’s.  The heat will be returning but what a delightful few days we have had.  It is so good to have the windows open enjoying the fresh air.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Monday, August 17, 2020

Gotcha ~

August 12, 2017, DSO and I picked up my new foster pug, Cheerilee.  (The month she came in to Ohio Pug Rescue was My Little Pony month. Hence her name.)

Five days later, DSO adopted her and changed her name to Ernestine.  Think Lily Tomlin from Laugh In.  Snort.  Snort.

Today is the 3 year anniversary of her “gotcha day”.  They are still happy campers.

Food for thought.

This is my second post from the iPad.  Still struggling a bit because after many years I am still iPad challenged and still using old blogger.  At least it’s a start!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Saturday, August 15, 2020

One Year Ago Today ~

Ten minutes in to our trip to Niagara Falls . . . rear ended while stopped at a red light . . . we never even made it to the highway.  Red bike that DSO and I was on was totaled.  My son’s very yellow Harley had many thousands of dollars in repairs.

BUT THE GOOD NEWS . . . we only had minor injuries.  I truly believe Someone was looking out for us.  It could have been so much worse.  DSO and I hung up our helmets.  My son still rides every chance he gets.  Every day I am thankful.

I am trying to blog from the iPad . . . using old blogger.  Wish me luck. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

(Zombie) Jack's Crow ~

The hooking is finally done on Jack's Crow.  I think Jack looks like a zombie :)  

I'm not sure how I am going to finish it.  Terri did this fun finish on hers.  It looks like it would be easy and fast to do.

It was suggested I hook my initials in this funky little rectangle.  I tried . . . and I tried . . . and I tried again but it just didn't look right so I gave up :(

The pattern can be found here.

I was scheduled to have a class with Laurie Lausen of Wooly Red Rug at the end of September through a guild I belong to.  No surprise that it has been cancelled.

Well, "old blogger" came up so this post is being done with it.  I need to figure out where "new blogger" went . . . sigh.

Thanks so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)

Sunday, August 9, 2020

1847 Turkey ~


A bit of progress has been made on 1847 Turkey since I left class, but of course not as much as I would have liked.
I was asked where to find the pattern.  Surprisingly I stumbled upon the booklet in at out of the way place . . . not where I would normally keep a pattern book.  If my memory serves me correctly, I purchased it on eBay.

I finished the binding on the little pumpkin which will be given to the recipient of the footstool.  Here it is atop on of my footstools.  I call this one my toe breaker footstool.  It is heavy and one night my toe slammed in to it and I'm sure it was broken.  Hurt like heck for a very long time.

OK.  A couple questions about the new interface?  Do your pictures load huge and you have to reduce the size so the entire pic shows on the blog post?  What about your font size?  One size is too big . . . but the size smaller is too small.  I sure wish I lived near a blog friend so we could figure this out together.  It is just too frustrating to me 😖  I just got so annoyed I reverted back to old blogger.  Why are letters cut off on the right margin on just one of the  above paragraphs?  Am I making any sense or just rambling?

Thanks so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs 😊

Friday, August 7, 2020

Back to Reality ~

It's back to reality time.  I really like hooker world better.  I planned to do a post on Tuesday, but here it already is Friday.  Tuesday was a doctor appointment, Wednesday Molly had a vet appointment and yesterday it was a trip back to Millersburg to pick up my jewelry that I left there for the second class.  I sold a few things, so all the sales help support my habit(s).  It was a 5 hour round trip between the drive time and packing up, so that shot half a day.

Sadly, I once again did not take pictures of the wonderful rugs being hooked.  Here are a couple rugs of Caroline's.

An antique adaptation offered by the Wool'n Gardner.  That's Caroline on the left and Tanya on the the right.  Both wonderful, don'tcha think?

Beautiful Lake Erie 😊  This is the view I get to see on my morning walk.  (The lake is rarely this calm.)

OK.  I am tired of fighting with the new blogger interface, so will show you 1847 Turkey in my next post.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Pug hugs 😘


Saturday, August 1, 2020

Off to Another Protest ~

I feel so fortunate to be heading off to yet another hookers' protest, once again in Millersburg, OH.  Organized by the same hooker as the retreat, this is a two day class with Caroline Twigg of Eagles' Nest Woolens.  I've had her before and she is just so much fun 😊

As always, I agonized over a pattern choice and finally decided on Anne Nichols 1847 Turkey which has been on my bucket list for many years and on linen for two.

Progress has been made on Jack's Crow but I thought I'd be done by now . . . sigh.  I just don't know where the time goes.

Have I mentioned I hate change?  Well, this new blogger interface is giving me fits!!!  I don't want to resort to the old because that will soon disappear.  😡😡😡  I finally figured out how to delete a picture.  That took a while.  Font size is also an issue imho.  "Normal" is smaller than I like, but this next size is too big.  

Thanks so much for stopping by (and listening to me whine).
Pug hugs :)