Welcome! Thanks for visiting. Bear with me. I still can't figure out how to resize my pictures, so most of them are not showing full size unless you click on them. **Warning** This post is picture heavy! I just wish my pictures could do the beauty justice.
Yesterday our first stop was Monument Valley, Utah. More breathtaking scenery.

Then on to the south rim of the Grand Canyon.
Some of the crazies at the Canyon. They were giving me a panic attack just watching them. You can see two people sitting on the edge. They are the two heads farthest out.
And look at this guy. Do they have a death wish? I wonder how many fall down the Canyon annually?
Today we headed to Sedona and somehow got lost along the way. Well maybe not lost, but headed the wrong way . . . lol. Darn GPS. Unfortunately we did not have time to take a "Pink Jeep Tour", but did have time to see some of the sights. I could spend days there. There is so much to do.
Very cool cacti.
I have been telling DSO for years I want to go horseback riding. Today he surprised me with a two hour trail ride!!! Here's our cowboy guide Jake.
It had been at least 50 years since either one of us had been on a horse so they gave us the most docile horses. Yes, we opted for helmets :), though really not necessary. I was on GiGi and DSO was on Taco. Fun, fun, fun, but my body is currently rebelling.
Tomorrow we are headed to Phoenix to visit a childhood friend of Fritz's and if all goes as planned, a visit with Julie of My Primitive Heart :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)
love your pictures! I have never been out west so it is giving me the urge to go out there. You look happy and rested. enjoy the rest of your trip.
Beautiful scenery. I lived in Salt Lake, Ut for 10 years and loved it out there.
I am impressed that you can even walk today after two hours on a horse.
Good morning! Your pictures are perfect. Thank you so much for taking the time to share. I love the southwest. People think of deserts as barren...nope, they have a beauty all their own. I have never been to Sedona. Maybe next year? Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
What lovely sights and you two make a lovely couple and still smiling after being together after all these miles. It looks like it can't get better than being with your significant other and go horse riding. Great pictures of you tow.
Now that's a wonderful plan of visiting Fritz's childhood friend and that great gal, Julie. This is a great vacation. Give Julie a hug from me. I so would love to meet her.
Hugs X2
Beautiful scenery and colors of the rock formations. Am sure you are on sensory overload from all the sights. I haven't been on a horse since 1981 so am sure I'd still be walking bow legged and sore.
Morning Lauren, what beautiful scenery, I love the pictures. You look so cute on the horse, that would have been so much fun. Enjoy your trip,Hugs Francine.
Hi Lauren,
Such fabulous photos!!! I kept looking for John Wayne to come riding by!!! What a great trip and know you are ready for some rest!! So excited to get together soon!!
Happy Trails, my friend!
Heart Hugs~
Julie xo
Just breathtaking scenery ! A memorable trip!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos of places some of us may never see in person. Looks like you are having a super fun time.
What an amazing trip and place to go, something on my to do list, someday. No way would I even get near the edge and not without a railing, lol.
Oh I hope you take an hour (or 8) to visit Jean Lea at the Attic Needlework - where samplers rule! She is in Mesa - I know you don't want to go down that road but it really is a must see and I know you'd love it and they say there is a nice place to eat lunch next door to the new shop - I haven't been to the new shop. One day - maybe! The photos are gorgeous - I've done the Pink Jeep twice 2nd time it was too scary and rough for me. I guess 15 years in between they decided that people wanted to be shaken up and terrified to be having fun - Not me ! I probably would never do that again. awesome photos ! thanks for taking the time to post. Have a safe journey - Mel
This is my kind of traveling...
you doing the driving, picture taking and me sittin' back, enjoying every bit of the beauty from my 'putor.
Keep safe and EnJoY,
Awesome trip you are on! Love seeing all of the photos. Can't wait to hear about meeting Julie!
What an awesome trip!!!! One we will get to one day before I'm too old to walk! lol
Such beautiful pictures. The only thing I would not be able to do is horseback ride...my hips just would not move that way...but years ago when dating and first married we went horseback riding most weekends.
So glad you're enjoying yourselves. I can only imagine how sore you are today after riding for two hours - even if the horse WAS gentle! Look forward to seeing the rest of your trip....
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