I feel as if I've finally made enough progress on my rug to share it with you.
I must be the world's slowest hooker :( A big part of my problem is that I "play" with my loops. I still have a problem getting the loops the same height, so I am constantly pulling on them to adjust. I also cut every loose thread when I see it. Am I being a little obsessive-compulsive? Maybe a lot?
I plan to put this rug on the floor ~ in a very low traffic area. Even though I've been assured they work well in high traffic areas, too, I'm just not ready to have too many people walking on all my months of work! I've only hooked one other rug that was a suitable size to put on the floor, but that one was given away.
Overall, I am pleased with the way it is coming out, but it's still not as primitive looking as I had hoped for. I do like hooking with a wider cut. I may never go back to a #8!
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great week!Lauren
It looks great, Lauren ~ love the cats!! You're on the downhill now!!
Very nice kitty cat rug - you're almost there now! OMG - that photo of the truck with the bugs was horrific! I thought we lived in the land of the bugs (florida) but that was a little scarey! WOW the 89 yr old is a cutey - she looks GREAT! must be good genes! Thanks for sharing her - Melody
Lauren ,you are doing great on your rug and almost done.Do you know what you are going to hook next?
You ladies have a lot of faith in me! I will be working on this rug for quite some time! Karin, I have NO idea what will be next. Perhaps you will inspire me...hint, hint.
Melody ~ When I was married we had a home in Florida. The palmetto bugs just about freaked me out. Palmetto bug is just a nice word for a cockroach...LOL! Thanks for the kind words about my mom. Yes, she is a cutie, but it's so sad that the dementia is getting worse almost daily. It just breaks my heart ;-(
Hi Lauren,
Thanks for checking out my blog! Love the two cats! You do lovely primitive designs. Are you dying the wool for them, using new or is it recycled? The colors are perfect!!!
Pugs are favorites of mine even though we don't have any dogs at present (just 5 cats) due to me still working. We are still trying to decide between a pug or border collie for when I retire. I think the BC might be a bit too energetic for two older people!
Fabulous Blog!! Love all your great rugs and photos!!! I will stop by again!!! Cathy
Lauren, Love your blog, AND your rug. You are doing a wonderful job with it. Nice and prim. Great choice of colors!
Thanks so much for stopping by on my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I will check back often to see your progress. Oh,, and one word for those bugs. Ewwwww. I hate bugs lol!
Pat ~
The wool is all new ~ some as is, some dyed, but not by me. I have not yet tried dying wool.
Pug vs border collie ~ ~ ~ now those two breeds are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum! Pugs are good for two things ~ shedding and loving. No high energy there...lol! A neighbor has a BC and it just runs laps around their yard non-stop.
Cathy ~ thanks so much for stopping by. I do enjoy your blog and the amount of hooking that you get done is astounding!
Kathy ~
Thanks for the compliments!
Those bugs are even worse than EWWWW! Thankfully we are almost bug free after a month of them. I can finally get some much needed yard work done. The joys of living near the lake. AND ~ ~ ~ you wouldn't believe the size of the spiders from eating all those yummy bugs.
Your rug is looking wonderful! You are doing great at capturing the look of an antique rug.
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