Friday, February 28, 2025

Purging ~


Adios, February!  I will not miss you in the least.  

Snowdrops are finally ready to bloom.  

I think I have mentioned before that a few months ago, all my sh** stuff was finally getting to me.  I am talking paperwork and stuff in the attic.  We won't even think about the basement or garage at this time.  I am not planning on going "anywhere" for a long time, but I don't want to leave my boys an absolute nightmare.  They like me now so I don't want them to end up hating me when I'm gone . . . 😁

It probably took me 6 weeks to purge paperwork.  I could only deal with it for a short time each day.  Kind of like how you eat an elephant - one bite at a time.  I am guessing at least 95% of the paperwork has been purged from my house.

I started on the attic about mid-January.  I am working at least a half hour each day.  Holy hell.  It is just overwhelming.  My previous house was a few hundred square foot larger.  When I moved here 25 years ago, I just boxed everything and what I was unable to display here went to the attic.  The stuff I am finding.  Pre-move, I collected vintage world globes.  Nowhere to display them here and I was shocked to find I had two huge boxes of them.  Marbles?  Now tell me why I have twelve different size bottles of marbles, about half vintage cats' eyes and the others the cool antique clay marbles.  My latest find . . . so called collector plates from the late 70's and early 80's I am guessing.  I counted 25 still in the original boxes, many unopened.  I never did display a one.  Those are the kind of things I don't think you can even give away.

One of the hardest things is dealing with items from my boys preschool and early grade school days.  Items made from construction paper.  Learning to print papers.  Simple stories they have written.  I am trying so hard to get rid of many of those items, but I will be making a "memory box" for each of them with items that I just can't toss.

I assume you are getting the idea of what I am dealing with.  I have given a bunch of stuff to friends and a load went to the thrift shop.  More will be going soon.  I had not intended to have another antique/vintage/collectible/decorating sale, but I have too much good stuff to just give it away . . . sigh.  So as it is coming down from the attic, it is going in the "garage sale" area of the basement.  God help me!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Another One Fully Finished ~


I do believe this hit 'n miss was hooked and bound in record time.  After the challenge of hooking Yellow Bird, I just needed something totally mindless.  The squares are 5 1/2" and the overall size is about 18" x 30".

I am not wishing my life away, but I will be happy to say good riddance to February.  The shortest month of the year always seems the longest!  We finally have temps above freezing and most of our snow is gone.  I have two hooking ventures to look forward to in March.  Praying that the weather cooperates.

A fun log cabin purchased a few weeks ago.  It will reside outside in the garden.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hooked, Bound & Labeled ~

Yellow Bird is finally done.  I mean completely done!!!  She was one of my most challenging rugs and without Kris Miller's guidance, I never could have hooked that darn face.  I hooked it all . . . except for the lips 😁.  The background is much more subtle in person.

I don't think I shared the wool used for her skirt.  It is amazing what a good plaid can do.  It's a real workhorse.

My labels aren't fancy like Saundra's, but I will call it good.  They print off white and I coffee stain them after sewing them.

Today we finally had temps above freezing.  Rising temperatures are most welcome.  Have I ever mentioned I HATE winter?  (Only about a hundred times, I suppose.)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Remember When?

I have been purging in the attic and the things I have been finding are a real trip down memory lane!  I was not a dollmaker like Saundra, and this is the extent of my doll making.  I am guessing these are from the early 80's.  "Primitive" sure has changed over the years.  These are darn near considered vintage 😁

Another "primitive" doll that was gifted to me from dear college friend Wink.  Probably the same vintage.  If you look at the her apron, it says "Lauren, a stitcher of fine samplers".  Back then that was my handwork of choice.

Many of you hookers reading this will most likely recognize the name Sibyl Osicka.  Sibyl is a most talented hooker, teacher and author of many hooking books.  I am just passing on that her husband passed away a couple days ago.  Anyone wishing to send her a card, please email me and I will send you her snail mail address.  I'm sure cards will be most appreciated.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Ezra's Farm ~

Ezra's Farm was started in a class with Maria Barton of Star Rug Company in September.  It is a Dru Ann Jeffries ~ Cinnamon Creek Folk Art pattern sold in Maria's etsy shop.  I chose the small version which is 22' x 19.5".  Nary a loop had been pulled since class.  I would like to finish this before my next hooking class mid March.

So . . . I get out the tote with the pattern and wool.  I swear I did not steal borrow any of the wool to use elsewhere.  So why is wool missing?  One of hooking's little mysteries.  I think I found a couple of the wools that had been put away on shelves (now that is MOST unusual!!!) and not sure of a couple others.  I guess I am going to have to just wing it and find something close.  I thought I learned my lesson taking wool from a color planned project, but apparently not.

Only 32 days until spring.  I swear February is the looooongest month of winter in Ohio.  We are in a winter wonderland today.  I think this is the most snow we have had all winter, so I cannot complain . . . too much.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine DΓ©cor ~

Happy Valentine's Day!  I finished the cross stitch, 3, maybe 4 years ago.  I just hate finally finishing them in to little pinkeeps.  My corners are always wonky.  I know I have one more small one someplace but it went in to hiding.

I ironed this one countless times and could not get the fold line out.  I was in a hurry to finish it to gift a friend so did not have time to search online for a solution.  It is not as noticeable in person.

Two more little finishes.  Once I finally start on them, they really do not take that long.  The larger of the two was also gifted.

My heart hooked rugs.

The heart was needle felted to the little mat after it was hooked and bound. 
Quilt and coverlet hearts in the box ~ and one hooked one. 

More hearts.  Many are special gifts from dear friends πŸ’˜

Cookie cutters

DSO thought this was the ugliest cupid he had ever seen πŸ˜‚

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (but she is kinda ugly!).

An idea I found on social media.  I think the skewers need stained.  Whether that happens or not is another story 😁  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Mindless Hooking ~


After finishing the hooking on Yellow Bird, I needed something mindless to hook . . . and DSO wanted a rug for the base of the stairs, so this fit the bill perfectly.  I rarely hook during the day, but spent about a week taking making some time.  One more square to go and I will add a couple more rows of darks for the border.  The finished size will be about 29" x 17".  The only wool I have had to cut are the darks.  Worms used for the rest.

Karen, thank you for the kind comment on my house.  You are a no-reply blogger, so I can't respond via email.  Just wanted to mention that Gabby from Cape on the Corner is where you saw the video.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Prepped for Binding ~


Yellow Bird is finally prepped for binding.  She is trimmed, zig zagged (I don't have a serger) and finally steamed.  Have a ever mentioned that I hate steaming as much as I hate binding?  It is amazing how a steaming evens out the loops.  She is being bound with wool using one of the wools used in the background.  One of these days I hope to get a picture showing her true colors!  

I rarely hook during the day, but for the last week have been a hooking fool.  I will share soon

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Happy Tears ~


I knew today I would be shedding tears.  I just didn't know what kind they would be.  Son J had an oncology appointment to get the results of his post chemo scans.  The last round of chemo really kicked his butt and for over a week had problems with his leg and walking.  I was scared beyond words.  He didn't want me to go to the appointment which I totally understood.  I was on pins and needles waiting . . . and waiting . . . and waiting.  Two and a half hours after his scheduled appointment time I finally heard from him.  The tumor had shrunk significantly.  Good news according to the doctor and they want him to have more scans in two months.  He can get back to work and get on with his life!!!  The leg issue is a blood clot discovered after an ultrasound.  They put him on blood thinners and said he was good to go.  This momma bear has shed many tears of joy . . . and I can finally breathe πŸ˜‰

Thank you for all the prayers and kind words you have given me. They were appreciated more than you will ever know.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Monday, February 3, 2025

Wool Surgery ~


The OR was open yesterday, and surgery performed.  The abscess is gone and me thinks she looks much better.  Thank you, Julia 😁

Oh how I wish I could capture her true colors.  I normally fail miserably, but this time worse than usual.  I tried . . . sigh.  iPad camera.  iPhone camera.  Different lighting.  ARGH!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊