What has happened to June? POOF. GONE.
I have a houseguest for a few days while daddy is in California meeting his firstborn grandchild. He is over the moon happy to meet her. My house guest is a cutie, too, though she does shed - A LOT!
I live in an older neighborhood. My house was built in 1940 and most of the homes are of that era. I have no idea when streets were repaved or replaced last and all are in pretty bad shape. I have no idea why, but my block was placed on the replace list this year. Why mine and not others? I haven't a clue but I know residents on other streets are not happy. This morning when I was heading out for my morning walk, a lady walking her dog asked me why my street and not hers which is much worse. What do I say? The ironic thing is that this woman, when she has seen me in the past, never once said hi. I am guessing that was our first and last conversation. 😁 It is amazing how far down they are digging. Of course, there are complaints about the inconvenience, but how could they do it without the inconvenience and mess? First the southbound lane is being done and then the northbound. As my mother would have said, some people would bitch if they got hung with a new rope!!!
My mat from the Ali Strebel class is finished. The class was great. Ali was a fun and very good teacher. I enjoyed learning some new techniques. (Will I remember them? Good question.) Will I be hooking another mat using these learned techniques? Probably not. I am happy in my comfort zone of pulling loops with wool.
It is so strange to see the back of the little mat with all the linen showing where alternative methods were used.
Hopefully now I can get some serious hooking done on my rug started at Cedar Lakes rug camp in May.
I am thankful we got some rain. My gardens and hydrangeas must be so very happy. Robin, if you sent some of that Wisconsin rain our way, thank you!
Your mom's comment about the new rope was FUNNY! And when that woman you encountered gets her turn at the noise and upheaval she will probably be fussing at you again.
Your rug hooked in Ali's class is beautiful. It deserves a special spot on the wall and you won't have to look at the bare spots on the back.
HAHAHA! I would have loved your Mom. Mine would say,"even if they had a loaf of bread under each arm they'd still complain."
We never know what other work needs to be done under those other streets first. There may be water main or sewer replacement, or electric/gas line work or relocation needing done first. Or it may be as simple as your street won't get beat up by heavy equipment as the repaving progresses. I bet she'd *really* be howling about waste of her taxes if her street got done first, only to have it torn up to replace a crumbling sewer line to someone's house.
Your houseguest is very cute, as is your mat.
Enjoy your house guest !
I Love your matt you made in Ali's class ....those flowers look wonderful !
Will be nice to have your road repaired , just hope folks don't go speeding down it !
I walk on the bike path near by and there are lots of unfriendly folks that just can't say Hello or Good Morning ....I call them Grumps ! Most of us who are there just about every day tend to stop & chat & we complain about those Grumpy folks ...especially those bikers who don't notify you as they Zoom by you .
Happy Hooking !!!
Congrats to DSO! Enjoy your little house guest. Your Ali mat turned out amazingly. I'm amazed at how quickly I forget things these days so I'd likely already be on my way to forgetting how I did what I did on that project. That saying was a favorite of my mom and dad's as well. Stands to reason, though, being twins and all. Gotta just shake your head about some people and their attitudes. Why begrudge you when you had nothing to do in the decision.... Bet she's a charm to live with. Glad you got some rain. We're on Day 2 with none (although there were some sprinkles last evening, but I'm not counting them.). Happy Sunday! ~Robin~
Congratulations on the new addition. Don't tell Ernestine that she has a rival...
I love your Ali mat. It will look nice on the wall if you can find a place to hang it.
You cracked me up with your mom's saying. lol... That's a good one.
After all didn't you used to work for the city? I'm sure some of the officials still remember you, lol... I for one, I'm glad that they are repairing your street first. Aren't you glad that you don't have to answer to all the complaints?
Have a great 4th of July.🇺🇸 Tomorrow, we celebrate Canada Day.🇨🇦
Hugs, Julia
Oh I love the quote “couldn’t hang them with a new rope.” Another personal favorite of Mothers “wouldn’t work in a pie factory tasting pies.” Sadly, I. Have worked with some of those folks.
Great great finish, love those squiggle flowers and the textures.
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