Sunday, June 16, 2024

More of Ali's Creations ~

Ali has so many fun ideas she incorporates in to her rugs.  (I didn't get all the pictures I had planned because she started packing up before I had taken them 😖.  My fault . . . I dilly dallied too long.)  Her ideas just seem to be endless.

A great way to hook a sunflower.

Ali will be teaching this pumpkin in a class at Sauder Village this August during rug week.

I went to a workshop hosted by Ali and Maria Barton many years ago.  This is one of the finished projects.  Mine is buried somewhere partially completed.  This may inspire me to find it and finish it!

Check out the sweet little needle felted cardinal in his pocket!

Happy Sunday and stay cool.  The heat wave is coming to a large part of the country.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


TheCrankyCrow said...

Wow. Ali's creativity never ceases to amaze me. That pumpkin!!!! We were supposed to be in a mini heatwave for 3 days starting today with temps in the mid to upper 80's and high humidity. However, the forecast has been revised and now we are supposed to be only 80 today...but with the wind, sure doesn't feel like it. Tuesday they're still saying 86º but again with wind. Still pretty soggy here - had another 3/4" of rain overnight. ~Robin~

Saundra said...

I like the cabin in the first pic and interesting twist to the Karen Kahle 4th oval mat. Hope you can find your Ali UFO and finish it and can't recall the before so make sure to take a photo of it before you do any work on it.
Yes, temps and humidity will soar beginning tomorrow. Thankfully I got the grass cut today.

NMK said...

Love that Pumpkin ! Wow !!! And the Snowman is adorable ! I just Love the pictures you shared ....just so many different textures . Hope you find your Snowman someday !
We are expecting our first Heat Wave Wednesday thru Friday ...UGH . Some schools that are not on Summer vacation are having half days , those poor kids & teachers ....
Stay cool !

acorn hollow said...

Wow such wonderful pieces! Lucky you getting a class with her.
We are going into the heat but I will be at the beach with Donna and the girls hope it is cooler there.

marly said...

Non hookers like me thought it was all about the really cool direction of the loops. Wow. What a pumpkin! Texture rules!! Can't believe you set aside that darling snowman, hope he's revived!!

Leonora said...

I love what she does with her rugs! I can always use some inspiration,especially making a purchased pattern into something of our own style in more ways than just a color plan.

Prims By The Water said...

That snowman is sure darn cute! Will he bring some cooler temps do you think? Janice

My Colonial Home said...

What wonderful rugs...I'm so envious when I see all you do and I love your sharing them for us to see.
The snowman is so sweet!!!
I've got so many unfinished hooked pieces calling me but never get the time. I really really want to finish something soon.