Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Rug Camp ~

I was remiss in taking pictures at rug camp (so what else is new?) other than during our throw down of rugs being hooked.  Rugs were not marked, and even if they had been, I would not be nearly as efficient as Saundra in letting you know the pattern and who hooked it.

How I wish I was more tech savvy.  I just got a new phone, and my desktop says all the pictures I saved from rug camp are corrupt.  So . . . I had to send them via messenger to me, then save them from there.  ARGH!!!  That is not going to work for me.  Not sure what I can do about it . . . sigh.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Of course, more to share in a later post.
Pug hugs 😊

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Not Easy ~

My normal hooking style is to have all my loops be like little soldiers all neatly standing next to each other.  I prefer to hook with long wool worms.  I strive to have all my loops the same height.

Now meet Ole Jack.  This is Cathy's version of the antique rug.    Saundra had sent me a photo of the original rug, but I'll be darned if I can find it.

Here is my start.  This has been hard for me.  

Shorter worms.  Wonky.  Different heights of my loops.  Hopefully I will make time to work on it soon so I don't totally forget what I am doing!  I am loving it so far.  My horse is the smaller of the two sizes Cathy offers, but at 28" x 39" it is plenty big for me.

Cathy is a wonderful teacher and if you ever get a chance to take a class with her, jump at the opportunity!

After getting home from rug camp Thursday evening, I had to gather up my goods and head to Malabar Farm on Friday to set up for Saturday's hook in.  I still can't yet sit back and relax because I am vending at another hook in on October 9 . . . then maybe I can breathe.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Meeting Myself Coming & Going ~

Maybe I am just a glutton for punishment.  If I just had to get ready for my 4 day rug camp, it wouldn't be so bad.  I vended last weekend . . . sold a few applique pumpkins so have spent the week making more.  They look so simple but take more time than I care to admit.  Rug camp is Monday (argh, that is tomorrow) thru Thursday.  Friday I must go set up for another hook in . . . and the hook in is Saturday.  About six hours of drive time total.  No moss is growing under my feet.  I may be complaining a bit, but I am so thankful I have these opportunities.  And to top it off, there was an outdoor festival today that I attended.  Then I had to cut grass.  Dinner dishes are not yet done (no dishwasher😢).  Most of the hooking supplies are gathered, but no clothes . . . yet.  Somehow it will all get done!

Here are some more of my applique pumpkins.  I just think they are kind of fun.  They each have their own personality.

I will be back after rug camp 😁

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Simply Disappeared ~

Welcome friends.  I had planned on doing a post on Sunday.  I am not sure what I have done with the last four days, but they have just vanished in to thin air.

Melissa's and my booth at Woolkeeper's hook in.

Vending was semi successful.  Normally when I vend, I buy very little.  This time was definitely the exception.  Jan Adams was there with her yummy hand dyed wools and I could not resist.  Her wool is beautiful and inexpensive.

Some more of Jan's wool.

I also bought one of her sweatshirts.

The booth next to use had mittens made from recycled wool sweaters.  I visited the booth several times before finally buying a pair.  I must say, I do not like mittens!  I must also say that my hands are never warm with gloves, so I am hoping these will keep my fingers toasty while walking Molly.

Aren't these tags just fun?  These two gals are so creative.  Be sure to enlarge and read the captions.

I also got this make-do pin cushion made with an old quilt.  So nicely made and can you believe only $3?

I also got a few odds and ends.  Things so memorable I cannot even remember what they are . . . lol!  Oh, plus two and a half yards of as-is wool for the stash.

Still no hooking going on.  I sold a few of the applique pumpkins on antique coverlet pieces, so am making more of those.  I leave Monday morning for rug camp and no, Saundra, I have not even thought about packing 😁  

Here is the rug I will be starting at camp in Cathy Stephan's class.  This antique horse is the same one that Saundra has also started hooking.  Here is Cathy's version.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Thursday, September 9, 2021

This 'n That ~

WOW!  We are already in to the second week of September.  The days are changing much too quickly for my liking.  Chilly in the morning, warm during the day, and getting dark oh so early.  The gardens are looking tired and the annuals even more so.  Thankfully the deer waited until last week to start eating my large hostas.

Soon this will be just a fond memory of summer.

Tomorrow, hooker/vendor partner in crime Melissa and I are leaving bright and early for the Woolkeepers hook in in Danville, Indiana, a five hour trip.  It is a Friday eve/Saturday hook in.  Wish us good sales!  I have been busy making more of the applique pumpkins.  With my luck, this time they won't sell 😁  One just never knows what will.  These appear so simple, but they take much more time than I would have imagined.

I am so afraid for our country.  As you are all aware, Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our beloved country.  With all that has transpired in the last month, I am terrified.  I can remember exactly where I was when the first news came out about a plane hitting the World Trade Center, and I watched in horror as the second tower was hit.  For a couple days I was glued to the TV when not at work, but had to stop watching because I cried nonstop.  I am even getting teary eyed just writing about it.  Please pray for our Country.

May God Bless America

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Last of the Sauder Rugs ~

By no means did I take pictures of all the rugs in the show at Sauder Village.  Every year it seems to take me forever to get them posted.  Here are the last of them.  Some are Celebration rugs, some not.  Sorry I did not keep better track of which was which.

Jan is a friend of a South Carolina friend.  She was spending the week at Sauder so I was able to track her down and meet her.  What a pleasant visit we had.  Short but sweet since she had to get back to class.  Jan also hooked the Simpson Hardware rug shown in a previous post.

I know I've shown this rug before but I am totally gobsmacked every time I see it.  Now that is talent!!!

Last but not least is friend/local shop owner Connie Bradley's rug that is a Celebration rug.  She is the most amazing hooker.  She can hook anything from a 2-3 to a wide cut and it is all equally beautiful.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊