Here's a punch needle piece I finished a couple of weeks ago. It is an adaptation of an antique hooked rug found on page 74 of "American Hooked and Sewn Rugs" by Joel and Kate Kopp. My finished size was approximately 7 1/2" x 5 1/4". I hadn't intended to give it as a gift, but one of the gifts I purchased for my sister was nowhere to be found when the box needed to be mailed. I had searched on several occasions and spent way too much time looking for it, so I gave up looking and sewed the wool backing on this little piece. Of course, the day after I mailed her box, I stumbled upon it. GGGRRRRR!!!! Thankfully she liked it :)

I don't know why, but I have "hooker's block". I desperately want to finish my horse rug, but I am not hooking on it. I think I've spent maybe 20 minutes hooking the last two weeks. I need to get with the program!!!
I hope everyone is still enjoying this holiday season. I am back to work this week but we have another long weekend due to the New Year holiday. I'll never complain about a long weekend {grin}.
Thank you so much for stopping by and please come again soon. I've picked up a number of new followers and I really do appreciate you taking the time to read my ramblings.
Pug hugs :)
OMG - I just posted about hookers block too! Funny. I like your punch needle horse. I love the look that punching creates. I should learn how to do that.
I was scrolling down your post to read Kim's comment and I looked at the "I'm a ten minute rug hooker" label - maybe that will jump start your rug hooking. I am going to try that. I am always so happy and relaxed after I hook. Happy New Year to you! SUE
Lauren, LOL... I too searched and searched for a gift for one of my friends. I gave up, then Hubby found it, Darn... I looked in that spot 3xs... I never heard the end of it from hubby! LOL! Have a great new year! OLM
Great needle punch I'm sure your sis will love it! Enjoy your upcoming holiday weekend!
wow look at your followers. I have picked up two in the past few weeks but one is a very good friend of mine so does she count? I just started to hook again after christmas. I need to finish that rug.
I love your punch needle. I bet your sister did love it.
Love the punchneedle horse! Isn't that just a bummer when the gift arrives after the fact?
The photograph in the first picture- is it a dageurotype, ambrotype or tintype? I love the ones in the cases. Do you collect them?
I know what you mean. I haven't hooked in a long time. I started up again on Monday evening. I did 30 minute this morning before work and I am supposed to be cutting more strips. I just wanted to check on the blog....I feel so good about getting the rug out again. I have Fri. sat. sun off this week. I am hoping to get it done. Cross your fingers for me. I will do the same for you. Have a good week. Lisa
Hi Lauren, I think that a lot of us are going through the hooker's block, me too included... It's just the lull after a hectic time getting ready for Christmas and all of a sudden, it's over. I think that we can call it decompression. Your punch needle horse rug is lovely. I never tried to punch hook, but I've made a Mary Maxim latch hooked rug ages ago and It is still in use today. It's not wool quality but it was my very first rug.
I love reading your blog Lauren. Hugs, JB
Hi Lauren - Your sister is lucky to receive such a wonderful gift even if it wasn't the one intented - So coot - Hey no worries on "hooker's block" you'll pick up the hook when you are ready - one of these days I want to pick up the PN and figure that out!
Oh I love your horse needle punch. Love the style horse. I have done a little needle punch but not much, I love the look but I'm just not fond of threading that needle and keeping track of the thread. Probably need to be a little more organized with it.
I've done the hidden gift thing before but it was months before I found the gift.
How is hopscotch settling in?? Such a cutie.
Lauren, I don't know what the other present was,but seeing the horse I think she got the BEST present!!!
C'mon over and hook I got too many things going at the same time as usual!!!!
Lauren I loved reading this blog - I such awful hookers bloc that I am beginning to wonder about myself. It made me know that I am not alone - thanks!
Lauren I loved your piece it has always been a favorite design I have wanted to do....someday.
Lauren, That happens to me as well....then I get on a roll and I can't keep up with all the ideas popping in my head. Love the punch needle horse..Very Sweet. Maria
I love this horse, great job!!!!. I have wanted to hook him for awhile, I will have to put it on my to do list this year!
I like it. Good idea. Make sure you use latex deck paint, and prime and/or sand if the wood under has peeling paint.You don't want to do all that work and have it peel off next year.
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