As promised, here are some more of my vintage Christmas items. This year, I have a small tree in the bathroom where I've hung all my figural light bulbs.

Plastic from my youth that is now considered vintage. I guess that makes me vintage, too :)
{{The other night, I took my son and grandson to a pizza buffet (grandson picked the place), and for the first time ever, I was given the senior price. I didn't realize it until today. For some unknown reason I looked at my receipt this morning. Talk about ruining my day!!!}}

I love the graphics on this old cigar box lid. I've filled the box with vintage ornaments.

Celluloid and early plastic reindeer ~ many with only a single antler ~ under my only old feather tree.

Feather tree with some old ornaments. All the bead garland is vintage.

Old Santa.

I was told this angel was from my Grandma's Nativity set.

Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting.
Pug hugs :)
You just have to start enjoying those senior discounts....I guess we've earned them haven't we? LOL!
Thanks for sharing more vintage ornaments. What fun to see them all displayed so nicely!
Enjoyed your email too and I identified with every thing that was stated! Life would sure be different without the little buggers..... can't say I'm ready for that day yet though!
Have a joyful day!
Cathy G
Lauren, I love your vintage ornaments especially the figural lights. What a treasure trove you have. Thanks you for sharing.
Love the tree with the little fence around it and the dear peeking in.
Thanks for sharing Lauren your ornaments are beautiful and I love your tree. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever get a tree up.
It's all so wonderful--i'm gonna have to start searching for my own herd of one antlered deer!!
Love the group of tacky plastic Santa's!!
Lauren, I love coming to your blog. Thanks for sharing. I'm already waiting for what comes next!!!
Been reading your blog for a while, so decided to become a follower.lol I thoroughly enjoyed your vintage ornaments. Thanks for sharing.
betty, Through My Back Door
I just love all your vintage ornaments. You certainly have a knack for decorating.
But sorry about the "seniors discount" thing. I hate it when the young whipper-snappers call me Ma'am. Lol
My goodness, what a collection! Thanks so much for sharing. I love santas ;)
Love your collection!
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