Today was my lucky day. My give~away win arrived from Sandi over at
Olde Crow Primitives. It is the most wonderful little rug. It is delightfully out of round and the colors just make it look so old. Thank you so much Sandi :) I will treasure it always!

The flash brightened it too much.

At lunchtime today I passed a sign for a tag sale. The house sat on the shore of Lake Erie. What a gorgeous view from the back yard. Normally I find the prices rather high the first day of the sale that this particular tag sale organizer has. I found this wooden bowl without a price. Now, I need another bowl like I need to gain five pounds, but heh, I had to ask the price. $2.00 I was told. I'm guessing she didn't see my jaw drop :)
It does have its faults - a sloppily repaired crack and a little green paint on the inside.

I'm not sure what the heck happened here. It looks like someone sliced off a piece of the bowl, but when turned to the back, you can't see it, so this bowl has joined the many others I have sitting in the bottom of an antique cupboard. {{It's an obsession I have. I just can't help myself.}}

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Don't forget to sign up for my give~away on my previous post.
Sandi, thank you so much for my rug!!!
Pug hugs :)
Congratulations on winner the give away. That is a neat little tree round mat.
That bowl is really interesting.
The postcard you opened your blog post with is amazing.
Congratulations on your winning! That's a very cute little mat. And what a great find for only $2!
Love the sampler on the back of the chair!!!
So glad that this old wooden bowl has found a new home in your cupboard and made you happy for only $2.00. It must have a lot of history behind it. Congratulations on winning this little primitive mat give away, and giving it a prominent place in your home. JB
Lauren - I have the same wooden bowl obsession, and I think we have lots of other company too! LOL Great deal on your new bowl. And congrats on winning that great hooked rug - it's a real treasure!
Love the rug! Lucky lady!! I thought I was the only one with a bowl obsession, but I see there at least 3 of us cuz Gayle is obsessed too!!
The rug is wonderful.Love the flaws of the wood bowl.I have a wood bowl obession too but lean more towards trenchers.Warm Blessings!~Amy
The rug looks great. And someday you will have to show us the bowl collection in the cupboard.
Lauren, Love the rug, and the bowl! My jaw hit the floor when you said the price! OLM
congradulations on your win. It looks great there. and great find on the bowl. I too love wooden anything. I have way to many and would buy another one if I saw it for 2.oo have a great day
Love the bowl, Lauren! Most of mine are banged up too..but I love them just the same. They weren't made to be objects of decoration way back when...they were used and abused, I 'm sure! What a great price!! The little hooked rug is beautiful..so simplistic, but just lovely. I really am admiring the sampler you have on the back of your chair...beautiful!
That bowl was a great find! Maybe the slice was taken out so it could fit in someone's cupboard while the door was closed? Whatever the reason... I think that helps to make that bowl that much more fabulous! Enjoy!
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