It's currently 49 degrees here on the north coast. I am sitting next to my little portable heater and when I go to bed tonight the electric blanket will be on. But will I turn on the furnace? Not just yet :)
I thought I would reveal the give~away goodie. It's a little punch needle mat. The cat and sky were taken from a freebie design by Robin at Bird in the Hand Primitives. The drawing is tomorrow so you still have time to enter. You must leave your comment on the September 29th post or drop me an email with give~away in the subject line. The drawing will be tomorrow evening, a little later than I originally said because tomorrow I'm going hookin'.

Pug hugs :)
I, for one, love reading your blatherings!!! Just keep them coming!
That is a darling little mat. Since I NEVER win anything, I have no hope, but can at least admire it!
We turned the furnace on today- just to test it! It still works, so now we can start the woodstove. I always think I'd like to wait till Nov. first to turn on the heat, but never make it. I hate having to heat the house, but I hate freezing worse! LOL!!!
Yeah, I belong in a warmer climate too. But not too hot! Seventy all year long with a few days getting up to 75 would be perfect!
People love your blatherings ~ funny and informative!! Blather on, friend!!!
You do such a great job Lauren at keeping your blog updated! I have to try harder at that. The furnace has been running a little here too. Too early to fire up the woodstove though! Love your little mat! It looks so neat displayed in your bowl with the gourds!
Cathy G
Awww...You did a wonderful job with the design !!! I love it !!!
Bird In the Hand Primitives
I have had to turn mine on in the early morning hours. The last two mornings when I woke up it was 64 degrees inside our house. I know that doesnt sound too cold, but trust me, it is. Brrr! :)
I love the little mat!! Good luck to everyone!!
Love the kitty and pumpkin! After the heat we had this summer, I'm welcoming coole air with open arms!!! So, we have just been letting the heat cycle once in the morning to take the chill off the house... then it gets turned off again! LOL!
I turned my heat on Saturday - I too live in No. Ohio.. I doubt if I will turn it off again until May.. sigh..
I love the kitty and pumpkin piece. As for the heat I am refusing to turn it on yet but I think the wood stove is in order! Looks like summer is really over. Eloise has been sleeping under the covers and that is the sign that winter is here!
Have had the heat on a week only at night. Love the cool weather after the heat of the summer.
Love your little mat. I must learn to do needle punch.
Well now I'm really glad I signed up!
Great give away!
We have had our heat on 3 times being this morning - when it's 40 degrees and frost on the ground from the night and you freeze your tootsies walking on the wood floors THE HEAT IS GOING ON! But only to take the chill off and then it is shut off again.
I feel if I pay for air con. in the summer (and it's on almost constantly) then I'm going to be warm when it's cold...doesn't matter what time of year it is.
Thank goodness for 70 degree days like today is supposed to be - more like Fall than the start of Winter.
Love the little mat!! I'm schlepping thru a peacock mat myself.
Haven't had to turn the heat on yet--but i am enjoying the cooler weather after the blast-furnace heat we had all summer!
I, too dread turning on the heat and wait until we just can't stand it any longer. Your punch needle looks wonderful and someone is going to be quite pleased!
I hate to turn on the furnace. It is not the thought of giving up summer it's the thought of the oil man. Oh how I hate the oil man.He takes some of my good hooking money. I looooove the little mat. I have entered so I am going to bed with my fingers crossed.
happy hooking tomorrow night
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