Welcome everyone. Happy hump day to you! I can't believe it's Wednesday already. Where does the time go?
I got very lucky with my computer "meltdown" and I am so thankful. I took it to Mr. Computer Repair Guy and for only $30 he was able to save everything and reload it all. Even though I have virus protection, he said a virus caused the problem. I would have been devastated had all my pictures been lost. Now I hope I've learned my lesson and will back things up or subscribe to one of those automatic backup places (such as Carbonite that Andrea suggested).
A couple people commented on my samplers shown in the background of one of my Halloween pics from my last post. I was a cross stitcher for many years, mainly stitching reproduction samplers. Though not a good picture, here are all the samplers on that wall. They are all reproductions. One of these days I will do a post on them.

Thanks so much for stopping by and please come again soon.
Pug hugs :)
Jake is too cute. Adorable that he was putting on for the little girl! I guess men learn that trick early. Lol.
Great news about your computer. You got lucky
Jake is really cute ~ I love little boys! I had three of them ~ still do!
Jake is getting so tall! Love the showing off for the girl! LOL!
Gald you were able to save your pictures on the computer. I need to get mine off onto CD's
I do hope you write a post on your samplers. I'd love to see them and hear the stories.
hi there, just found you! looks like we have a lot in common. love that you hook rugs. just learned how to braid. the farm is full of antiques and the owners always have their eye our for goodies!
jill ;)
Jake is too cute! You are having nice weather there to be able to play on the playground!
I'd love to see a post on your samplers too. They look so nice in your photos.
Ah computers! Remember life without them?
Cathy G
Jake is so cute and oh to be able to twist myself into those shapes ha. I love your samplers can't wait to see more pictures.
Hi Lauren,
Jake is so darn cute! I am happy to hear you were able to retrieve your photos, what a horrible feeling. I try and put my on cd when I acummulate a lot. Other than that I really don't have much on mine.
Have fun tonight and tell Andrea I said hi.
Boys learn early how to catch the eye of a girl! Too cute.
Do show us the samplers close up. They look so interesting we could all learn something from them. Hugs to the pugs.
Glad to hear your disaster was fixable... can't wait to see the update on your rug.
Funny how our online persona's don't jive with who we are! Would never have guessed you old enough to have a grandson and I don't even know what I based that on!!
HOw sweet is he?! Wonderful you get to spend fun time with him. Your samplers look great gathered on the wall like that. I can't wait for the post about them and an update on your rug :)
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