By buying a laptop computer? I finally broke down and bought one a week and a half ago. Just a very basic, low end model. Not to replace my regular computer, but I sometimes wanted to be able "compute" somewhere other than holed up in my computer room. Last night my desktop computer decided to crash on me. No warning whatsoever. Did I have my computer backed up? Unfortunately I think you know the answer to my question. I am just sick about it and tomorrow will head to the computer repair shop and hope that somehow my files can be retrieved, especially my digital photos. I hope all you are there are much wiser than me ~ if not, BACK-UP YOUR COMPUTER.

Thank you so much for all the kind comments regarding my fostering Linnie. All of you have much more confidence in me than I have in myself, but I am feeling a little less overwhelmed. Linnie and I seem to be adjusting. She has calmed down and is no longer pacing non-stop. She slept through the night last night without waking up crying. I've actually had to make a chart so that I remember to give her all the meds. She is on ear medication for two weeks to rid her of a nasty infection. I bought some Glucosamine to give her daily in hopes that it will help with the arthritis. She is also on eye ointment and drops five times a day. Her poor eyes are so dry. The medications must feel really good because she lets me put them in without a fight. She knows how to find her food and water and is usually sleeping in her bed in the kitchen. She has been peacefully sleeping in the dining room for the last couple of hours. She no longer seems to be in pain and for that I am thankful.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you have all had a great weekend. It is a beautiful day here on Ohio's north coast. I even washed a couple of windows today ~ just the outside but what a difference it makes. Now if I could only find the ambition to do more.....
Pug hugs :)
So happy for you and Linnie adjusting to each other - she knows a good Mom when she sees one.
Hope they can recover your stuff on your computer - I was lucky when I fed my computer Coke Zero I was able to recover most of my files - thank goodness! Now everything is on disk - but do I back up? HahahahhahA
I am so sorry about your computer! I too need to back up but everytime I think of it I am doing something else. so glad linnie is settling in. good luck on the computer repair.
So glad to hear that you and Linnie are bonding. She is a lucky pug to end up with a loving foster mom like you. :)
The computer crash - not so lucky. I never backed-up files either until I started with the photography hobby. I bought a large capacity flash drive and copy all photos to it. Hopefully the techs can recover your files.
That is my worst nightmare....a computer crash!!! I have so much stuff stored on this thing..... no back-up. Guess I should do something about that.
So glad you and Linnie are finding a comfort zone! I know the med situation is crazy sometimes! My dogs have their own calendar that sits on the kitchen cupboard. 9:00 am and 9:00 pm the insulin shots are a way of life here!
Hang in there Linnie and Lauren!
Cathy G
Oh Lauren, bless you, bless you! She looks sooo precious! Those seniors ones with issues just break my heart!
Oh,and I don't even know how to back up my comp! That's bad~
My sympathies on your computer. Hope they are able to recover your files. And bless you, dear soul, for all of the tender loving care you are giving to Linnie. Makes my heart happy. You are such a kind soul! Please give her a hug for me...
Oh, I hate hearing about your computer!! Hopefully, the computer gods will dredge that stuff up and restore it for you! Do I back up? I can't bear to think about it ~ all my business stuff and photos ~ I have a slick little backup thing but don't know how to use it. Oh, Lauren ~ I need to listen to you!!
One word for you: Carbonite! Easiest way to back up your computer. You will kiss yourself everyday for using it!! I know I sound like a commercial, but it has saved my dupa more than once.
Sure hope your fix-it guys can reclaim your computer files.
I was reading all about Linny and have come to the conclusion that fate has united the two of you...a lady with a big heart and an older pug that needs a great deal of loving.Thank goodness there are generous souls like you.
Lauren I'm so happy Linnie (and you) are adjusting.
For some reason Linnie has taken a spot in my heart...maybe it's because she NEEDS to be with someone who knows and understands...not just because they WANT A PET...she must feel the love you are giving her. AND YOU ARE GIVING IT TO HER AND SHE KNOWS IT....
When I look at her picture I could just cuddle her - maybe it's the nurturing mother side of me I don't know but she is a sweetie....and I do hope you keep her for your own.
Have a blessed day!
A package is coming your way!!!
Oh Lauren, you are the perfect mother for Linnie! What a darling Pug. I know that you can make her whole again with your love. Eloise and I vote for you to be mother of the year!
I've been hoping there would be a Linnie update!!! I am so glad she is adjusting to her new home. What a sweetie she is!!!
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