I'm not sure how it happened, but my Santa collection has grown and grown over the years. Tonight I'll share some of them with you. Here's a Santa gourd I bought years ago at a craft show.

Santas on the jelly cupboard. I'm not sure about the Santa in red on the left, but all the others are imports.

A celluloid wind up Santa and reindeer. I purchased this with the original box and key. I believe it to be from the 40's.

I've had this tin sleigh for many decades. My mom painted the ceramic Santa.

I purchased this little guy in Paris. My sweetie took me there for my last milestone birthday. Lucky me :-)

The two taller Santas were purchased at craft shows many years ago and were locally made. The Santas on either end were gifts gotten years apart from two dear friends. The original Santa painting was purchased on eBay a number of years ago.

A full view of the top of the jelly cupboard in the dining room.

Santas on the baker's cupboard in the living room. My sweet niece Elise got me the polka dot Santa in Door County, Wisconsin a number of years ago. My dear friend Wink gave me the cone Santa MANY years ago.

This great patriotic Santa is sitting in an old dovetailed box surrounded by blue spruce. {{ouch!}}

The top of the baker's cupboard. I didn't realize my pantry boxes needed straightening...lol! That's a part of my snake plant in the lower left.

A small, cheesy vintage plastic light-up Santa in the bathroom. He looks so much better in person, so come on by if you'd like to see him up close and personal!

Thank you so much for stopping by and please come again soon. I have many more Christmas goodies to share with you!
Pug hugs :)
Great Santa collection - My Mom collects Santas and every year I say I'm going to count them in her house - I always start and give up - Told her this year I was determined but I know I will probably give up after 100 or so! LOL! (Her tree is only santa's!)
You know they have programs for people with addictions like this! I'm afraid I'd have to join too, except my collection of choice is snowmen. Have a Merry Christmas
Looks good, Lauren ~ I don't think you can ever have too many Santas! Yours are very nice and so nicely displayed!! You have a talent for that, for sure!
Thanks for sharing the Santa with us, Lauren. They are lovely. Makes the season merrier. Have a wonderful Christmas and blessings for the New Year.
Lauren, I must have the same addiction that you have, I love Santas and Christmas Trees and you sure display yours very well!
I enjoyed looking at your addiction! One can never have too many Santas!
My name is Lauren and I'm a Santa-holic.
Thanks everyone for dropping by and leaving me a comment. I do appreciate each and every one of them.
Merry Christmas!
Pug hugs:)
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