I hope everyone had the Christmas dreams are made of. It's hard to believe Christmas day has come and gone. Mine started out a bit stressful. My Mom fell and the caregiver hurt herself trying to get her up. Normally, I can lift my Mom, but every time I tried, she cried in pain so I had to call 911. They quickly arrived and determined that she had not broken anything so a trip to the ER was unnecessary. Thankfully my Mom has great bones and has not yet (knock on wood!) broken anything when she has fallen. I do hope that is one thing I have inherited from her. She was in a world of hurt, but was able to spend Christmas day here. Not the best picture of her, but the best one that was taken that day.

This is my older brother Bill in the dining room looking towards the living room.

That's me in the red sweater. It is a rare day when I will share one of me :) My son's girlfriend Janet is to the left, grandson Jake hanging on my arm and part of my brother's DSO, Lyn, to the right.

Out of the mouths of babes ~ ~ ~ When my grandson arrived, my brother excitedly asked him if the knew what day it was. Jake, so very confident, answered "It's Friday". We all got a good laugh out of his answer.

Here's my foster Eema in her new Christmas sweater. She has been such a good girl and a joy to have around. I hope one day soon she will find her forever home. I will cry when she leaves and miss her greatly, but there are many more pugs waiting in line to take her place.

I can finally share with you the only Christmas gift that was done on time. This little mat was hooked for Lyn since she and my brother sail.

I finally picked up my hook yesterday after a month of it sitting idle. I really must get busy hooking the rug that was supposed to be done a week and a half ago. I could have taken the easy way out and bought a gift, but I was bound and determined that this was the gift I was going to give! Next year I'd better start making my gifts by June! Time just has a way of slipping by.
And last but not least, I'd like to thank Joanne (
http://www.snippetsandscrapsandpieces.blogspot.com/) for the gift she sent me. She saw my post about my feather trees and sent me all the goodies to make a "wool feather tree". She gave a tutorial on her blog back in November of 2008. How kind and generous. Thank you so much, Joanne!
If I am going to accomplish anything today, I'd better get busy. It's back to work tomorrow.
Pug hugs :)
Great photos Lauren. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time, and very happy to hear your Mom wasn't seriously hurt.
Hi Lauren,
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. This Mom's and falling stuff gets scary. I'm glad yours is not seriously hurt! Mine is scraped up but getting better.
Eema is adorable in her sweater!
Love the sailboat mat.
Enjoy your tree kit from Joanne. She taught a class last year for us at Grant Street. They turn out really cute.
Sounds like it turned out to be a great day. Glad your mom is ok. That can be scary. Your sailboat rug is very nice!
That Joanne is a sweetie for sending you that stuff. Those feather trees are really easy to make. Hope you share what else you are hooking.
Lauren ~ So glad to hear that your Mom did not break any bones in her fall. It looks as if you and your family had a wonderful time together. I can't imagine giving up Eema! She has a very sweet face.
Don't feel badly about not getting all your Christmas gifts hooked. The people to whom you give them (even late) will love them knowing how much love and effort you have put into their gifts!
The sailboat rug is great, Lauren! I hope they loved it! Sorry about your mama ~ that had to be scary for her and you! Glad you had a great day ~ that little redheaded boy is sooo cute!!
Your rug is great - I bet they loved it since they love sailing. Hoping your Mom is feeling better! And you are more than welcome for the kit - every rughooker that loves feather trees needs one! LOL! You do so much for others just wanted to send you a surprise! Love that furbaby pic in the sweater!
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