Saturday, August 3, 2024

Crocodile Tears ~

It ended up that there was no way I was going to be able to haul the 10' x 10' canopy and all my "stuff" to Shelby for the sale where Sue and I were setting up.  I am so thankful DSO is so accommodating and came to the rescue!!!  (Thank you, Sweetie )  His SUV is bigger than mine and he has a basket he put on the back.  Let me tell you, his Hyundai was packed to the top!

After he helped us set up the canopy, he and Ernestine headed home.  I then get a text from my neighbor telling me my tree was being cut down 😟  I was hoping the city was going to have it taken down (due to road work ~ the city normally does not take down trees for residents) to save me many thousand$ in a few years.  I was given an indication that they most likely would, but was not given a definitive answer.  To say I was in shock was an understatement, but I suppose it was a good thing I was not home, because on my return last evening, I totally broke down in tears.  I know I made the right decision, but it didn't make seeing my bare front yard any easier.

I went from this . . .

To this . . .

I am sure I will eventually accept the "new normal" front yard, but will be in shock for some time.

Sue and I both had so much stuff we were hoping to sell and we didn't think it would fit under our canopy, but I think it looked great if I do say so myself.  

mostly my stuff ;-)

mostly Sue's stuff

Thankfully the canopy I borrowed from my son had sides because we needed them!!!  That night the storms rolled in.  It rained/stormed for a few hours.  Even though there was nothing I could do, I was panicked over the weather and lost a lot of sleep.  I was pleasantly surprised in the morning how well it weathered the storm.  Table coverings were wet and I really only had one thing that was somewhat ruined, a WWI silk that bled.

Not as many customers as we had hoped for  but they were buying, so I was pleased with the $$$ I made.  Of course, as always, I was hoping for better, mainly because I just want to get rid of stuff.  And a few new to me/old items had to come home with me, but a couple of them are Christmas gifts.

Now I can breathe for a month until the next hook in where I am vending at the beginning of September.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra P said...

Glad you made enough money to support your shopping addiction. And sorry for your empty front yard view.

TheCrankyCrow said...

That's one fancy canopy! Your set-up looks amazing. I shopped "virtually" in your booth and saw several things that would have tempted me LOL. I don't have words for the tree situation. I would have been devastated...and you're right, it will take time to overcome the shock factor and adapt to the new normal. Hold on to the comfort that you have a beautiful home and now people can see it in all its glory. (BTW...will you be able to replant another tree at some point? If so, maybe one of those wicked fast-growing maples?) I was going to tell you to show us the treasures that came home with you but, if they're gifts, I guess not. Take a well-deserved breather Sis. ~Robin~

NMK said...

Your booth looked great ! Lots of nice pieces in that tent !
Sorry about your tree been gone , was good you weren't there to watch them cut it down. At least you won't have all those leaves to rake up !

moosecraft said...

Your booth looked awesome! Glad you made some sales.'s always sad to see a tree get cut down.... perhaps they can plant a new one?

Saundra said...

Am on my PC now so bet I won't show up as a no-reply. Interesting that perhaps this has been the culprit with many of the people who show up on our blogs with that moniker.
Sorry for your tree but do you spend that much time at home and looking out the window? Seems to me you are either doing shows, going to camp, out antiquing or with SO.

JustGail said...

Bummer on the tree. Even though I was of the opinion that it looked like it was in decline already when you posted about it earlier, it's still gut wrenching for it to happen. But the timing was good - I'd have been in tears the entire time hearing the chain saws if I were home, not just when I got home and saw it so bare.

I'm glad you & Sue had a good sale. I saw a few items when I enlarged the phots that might have come home with me if I were there.

Prims By The Water said...

The first time we did an outdoor show the thunderstorms rolled in the afternoon. We were so glad we had our tent at the time. There was a couple near us which had no protection and all of there stuff was soaked. Maybe it was a good thing they took your tree down when you were away. Now you can decide later down the road what to add. Too bad on your sales not selling out. One also hopes to sell out doing shows. Sometimes we did good and sometimes great and sometimes not so great. Luck of the draw it seemed on what we brought. Janice

Julia said...

What a neat canopy and the content looks amazing. I'm sure I would have picked up that washboard. I have one but it's a glass one and I still occasionally use it. I'm sure you both had fun.

So sorry about your tree. It's like losing a good friend. Take care, hugs.