Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Flag Day ~

Why is Flag Day on June 14th?  Flag Day, observed annually on June 14, celebrates the day in 1777 when the United States approved the design for its first flag.  While its look has changed more than a few times over the years, the American flag has remained a symbol of freedom and justice.

Please pray for this great Land of ours 💔


Julia said...

I pray for my country every morning and I'll include your country too. I have friends and family in the USA so we are all connected whether we realize it or not.
You are a faithful patriotic citizen.
Blessings on your day.

Saundra said...

Like Julia I pray for our country and God's help every day. Removing religion from the schools was the first step toward molding the thinking of young minds. Then removing the Pledge of Allegiance from the School distancing children away from America. Then came the isolation and masking with the shutdowns for two years. So while CRT might seem like something new it was just small stepping stones along the way to that. God Bless America.

TheCrankyCrow said...

God bless this land that I love. ~Robin!

acorn hollow said...

I pray every night before bed we are in a mess. I cannot stop the worry.

Prims By The Water said...

We watched a show last night and folks were asked what the stars on our flag stood for and even how many stars were on the flag and most did not even know the answer. Most did not even know what the 13 stripes meant. What is our country coming to? UGH Long may she wave.... Janice