Tonight was hooking at the library. There were some amazing rugs being hooked and a gorgeous shawl being knitted. I forgot my camera and was so pleased that I figured out how to take pictures with my phone, something I never do. Well, the pictures are on the phone and I have no idea how to get them on the computer. GGGGRRRRR!!!!! I hate being so challenged!
I will share the few little mats I have been working on. This little mat has the binding sewn on but still needs a label.

This has the binding partially sewn on.

These two heart mats are hooked and not yet steamed so they are a bit curled. The grey is actually more of a black color.

Here's a little mat I was asked to hook a year and a half ago. I finally started it tonight (and it is one of my January goals :).

That's it for tonight. I hope I will be able to share the wonderful rugs at a later date.
Pug hugs :)
Lauren, So love them all. I really need to give hooking another try! OOPS, doesn't that sound bad? LOL....OLM
Hi Lauren,
Your little mats are so cute!
Zip and I must be the last people on earth who don't have a cell phone.
I do know there's a way to get those photos off and onto the computer, but I sure can't give any advice!
you have been so busy I wish I could say the same. I too have no clue how to do that either. I have to get my daughter to help me with everything. I love your mats. great colors
Hey Lauren - the only way I know how to get a pic from the phone to the computer is to email them - what you do is add under contacts whatever you want to call it "Lauren's Computer" and then instead of a phone number you enter your email address and then to send them (you have to have texting capabilities) go under send a message and send a picture message - pick the pic from your photos and then add your contact info (email address and send just like a text) make sense?
love your little mats - how fun!
Oh and forgot to mention if none of the above works - ask your little grandson - he's sure to know better than us old farts!
Love your little mats....you have been busy!
the little rugs are so nice. I wish I could help you with the pictures on the phone but I an in the same situation... have some on my phone but can't download to the computer. O well...
Happy Wednesday
I think that you can send the pictures to your email address and then they'll be in an email to yourself and then you can download them into your computer.
I'm technologically challenged too. My kids had to tell me how to do it!! "o)
Hi Lauren - it is my belief that every computer and cell phone should come equipped with a 3 year old to guide us. I am computer illerate and depend on my grandkids for help. They're just not around when I need them!!!
Yep, they're right ~ email them to yourself!! I do it all he time!! Then right click on the photo and click 'save' and then it will be saved in your picture file! Voila ~ pictures!! And you've been busy wit all your little mats ~ love the red and white heart and the pug one, too!
Love the little mats. You have been busy. My fav is the kitty one I think.
With your phone, you would have received a cable with a USB end (like for a mouse). Plug your phone into computer and follow the directions. Easy.......or ask Jake.
Hi Lauren, Your pugs are too cute!!!
Depending on what kind of phone you have (actually the iphones are by far the easiest to learn, even though they look intimidating); If you find where your pics are stored on your phone it should say somwhere MMS,TEXT or e-mail. E-mailing yourself if the easiest.
If you have a teeniebopper around though: Blogger has a really awsome thing now - you can text message your pics and a whole blog post right from your phone. It is a little frustrating to sign up for, but after that its easy to do and manage.
On your dashboard, under manage blogs, Next to your blog name should be an image of a cell phone next to it , click on it for more info. If it isn't there you can go to the link (on same page) that says setting, Then go to the link e-mail & mobile and scroll down to bottom of page and click "more info" button. - You will be able to blog from your e-mail or phone while at camps,on the plane or in the car on a long ride even without the computer in front of you.
All the best,
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