Just a couple of pictures to share with you today. Cher is on the left (she came in to Ohio Pug Rescue the month pugs were being named after singers) and her ear is always cocked like that. That's my sweet Eema on the right with a bit of her snaggle tooth showing. How lucky that they are in sunny Florida! (I think I am jealous!) Oh, they are living the good life!

I did not make any New Year's resolutions this year, but if I had, they would be the same ones I make every year ~ lose weight, get fit, hook more, blah, blah, blah. Instead, each month I am going to make some goals that I hope will be attainable. If I write them down and share them with you, perhaps I will be even more motivated to complete them.

Here's my list of goals for January. Though it may not sound like much (remember I am the world's slowest hooker), if I get these things done, I will be pleased.
- finish taking down the Christmas decorations and get it all hauled to the attic. I started at the beginning of the week and I am tired of living amidst chaos.
- cross stitch a little Valentine pin keep
- learn how to make a toothbrush rug
- bind the little cat mat I hooked
- finish the hit and miss mat I am working on
- hook a little mat I was asked to hook 1+ years ago
- hook a small Valentine mat as a gift
- hook a minimum of one hour on my horse rug ~ for some unknown reason I can't make myself finish it, so maybe if I spend an hour hooking on it, I will be inspired and can continue on
We'll see how successful I am! Hopefully I won't have too much egg on my face on January 31! Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you all have a great weekend. Mine is a little too busy, but c'est la vie!
Pug hugs :)
I love your idea of monthly goals. I may have to do the same. Good luck~I'm off to figure out what I want to accomplish this month. Have a wonderful week-end.
WAY too ambitious. My goal: do nothing. I am sure to succeed.
Love the idea of breaking the goals down monthly! Am here for you if you need any encouragement!
Oh Lauren, I want to be Eema! Sunny Florida - what a wonderful time for her. I think your monthly goal is very ambitious. Wish I could get as much done.
Very ambitious list!! Good luck ~ my advice ~ don't feel bad if you don't get it all done ~ be happy if you attain half of your goals!!!
Love the monthly goal list. I hope you get it all done. Success is a great motivator.
I watched (and voted) for the pug commercial. Funny!
I think that those are very realistic goals, Lauren :)
I honestly never make any resolutions 'cause I know I won't keep them, haha!
I always take baby steps too,then the list or issue at hand doesn't seem so big.I love the pugs so sweet.Warm Blessings!~Amy
Lauren, your January list is very ambitious. That's a lot to do in one month. I really hope that you can achieve your goal but please don't feel bad if you only accomplish half unless someone is paying you to do it all.
I'm real slow at finishing projects and although I've made a resolution to finish a few UFO this year, I'm giving myself a whole year to do it., and then I'm not sure that I'll succeed.. Good luck on this ambitious project and have a great weekend.
I'd like to trade places with the two spoiled pugs and get some R & R. JB
That's quite a list....maybe I need to do the same thing....make a public list, then everyone can try to keep me accountable. Mine would also include finishing up some projects....I'm going right now to finish binding my 2nd garden rug....perhaps tomorrow I'll post a list on my blog too!
The monthly goal idea is great.....and writing them down and especially sharing them helps me be more accountable--I hope it works for you, too! ;-) January always seems to be a bit of a slow month here....so hopefully you have lots of time to get everything done. Good luck! :-)
oh those little guys look so great. I still have the tree up and some Christmas stuff around do I feel like doing it no way. but I will try to get it done.
Have a great weekend
The monthly goals idea is a great one! Looking forward to hearing about accomplishing your entire list! I've been stuck on a rug, just like you... and what worked for me was to just sit and hook. The urge to actually hook it followed! I'm thinking about trying the monthly goals... I think you've started something here... ;-)
I'm wishing I was Eema or Cher right now with the snow outside! Wow that's a list of goals - I'm sure if you put your mind to it you will do it! You go girl!
Go antiqueing in Avon with Sherry
Your monthly goals are great!! I am doing something very similar--I've GOT to get some of these projects DONE!!
I can't believe Eema & Cher's mommy didn't have them all dolled up in matching bikini's--they look "nekkid"!!! They sure are livin' large!
Lucky puppies, they sure look happy in Florida.
Good luck with you list. Hope you get it all done but if not there is always the next month!
Have a happy week ahead!
Warm hugs ~ Jenn
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