Welcome friends. Thank you so much for dropping by.
As you may have read on many other blogs, last Saturday was the Simple Goods show in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. For those of you who have not read about it, it is a very primitive antique/craft show. Here are some random pictures.
Isn't he a dapper looking vendor?

There were wonderful antiques at the show, but overall, I found the prices to be extremely high. In the picture below, kind of in the center to the right of the shelves, the little "looking glass" had a price tag of $795 if I remember correctly. There was also a $2000 hour glass, probably 8" tall overall. Ordinary crocks that can normally be found for $20 - $25 were around $40 each. Maybe all the bargains were bought by the people who stood in line in freezing temps for 2 hours before the show opened!

I really didn't get these. I think they were a take on the old German trees that were wrapped in cotton batting, but these were just twigs partially wrapped in batting in a rusty can with a $42 price tag.

This had to be one of my favorite items at the show. What a fun sprinkler!

Most of the booths had their wares displayed beautifully.

Isn't this fun?
I just love this piece. I think it would be considered a crock or bucket bench.

I only purchased a couple items at the show. This was a great old basket I bought for $25.

In the wooden bowl are some seed pods I also purchased. The vendor knew nothing about them. She said she bought a whole box of them. They are real seed pods, but my guess is they came from China or India :) The little brown crock I purchased at one of the antique shops we stopped at, and the large 19th century breadboard was a gift from my friend Wink. More on our other adventures in another post. The woven towel in the back is from the VERY talented Pat over at
Hook, Hand and Heart.

Simple Goods is a very nice show and I know I will go back. This was the second time I've attended the show, but my purchases have been few. Overall I don't consider my style of decorating primitive, so perhaps that is the reason I've left nearly empty-handed.
{{I hope I've not offended any die hard primitive folk!}}
I did meet Karen from
My Colonial Home. She is just as cute and sweet in person as she is on her blog!
In my next post I'll share a couple of wonderful antique shops and an 1840 bed and breakfast.
Pug hugs :)
Great pictures, Lauren! That's what I always hear about Simple Goods is that it's very high end and 'hard core primitive', as one gal described it!! But still fun to see!!
Alice is right. It's still fun to look around those types of shows even when the products aren't always your cup of tea. You never know if you might find 1 little treasure.
Hi Lauren,
I think I saw your picture on Karen's blog. Was that you?
Thank-you so much for showing these photos of Simple Goods show. I've always been curious to see some of the merchandise. It looks like a lot of nice quality primitives. Yes, I'm sure some of the prices make your hair stand on end! LOL It must be hard for them to sell in this tough economy though. I would be in heaven just to be able to window shop there! I think our decorating styles may be somewhat similar. What do you think?
Cathy G
Yikes on some of those prices. It's still fun to go and look ... and get ideas!!
Great photos! I love prim stuff but, I don't decorate much with it.
It is like antiques week in NH. country living magainzine is here and antique dealers from all over the country are here. The prices I would have to morgage the house to buy something. Glad you had a good time anyway and was able to get a treasure or two.
Nice photos, Lauren! I agree...just about everything is out of my price range too. It is fun to look...but it is also nice to buy a little something. I'll stick to Malabar and the Gathered Treasures show..more in my affordabiltiy range..plus..it seems as though my trips to Ohio are being "rationed" to me...LOL! Glad you had a great time..can't wait to see the pics of your B&B and the other shops.
Wow. Your pictures were way better than mine!
I completely agree that the prices were pretty much stupid! You didn't leave empty handed because of the goods. You left empty handed because of the prices. HA!
I too left pretty much empty handed. I bought only one thing and that was a mouse. I love him but he was $20.00. I really wanted him though and I'm glad I got him. But I don't ever spend that much on one thing.
I wanted that deer head so bad. But I didn't even bother to look at the price. You know if it was still there at noon... no one could afford it. lol!
I too wondered if the booths weren't piced over by the early birds. Maybe we should ask Karen. She was in line at 6am!
I wil go back too. More to just look at the pretties than to buy. Maybe we shall meet at the April show!
Carmen and the Primcats
I want the peeing boy sprinkler!!!!!
Great photo's. Felt like I was there! Sad it was too expensive, but what a place! Lots of beautiful things. Thanks for posting..
Hey Lauren that red shelf on the right in the picture where you mention the bucket bench is MINE!!!!!! It's finally hanging and I Love it!!! John said whatcha puttin' on your pretty new shelf??? I said I don't have a clue!!!!
About the trees. The directions for them are in the newest issue of A Simple Life magazine and there designed by James Cramer.The magazine is by Jill Peterson and that's her booth that you took the picture of them in.
Hey where we goin' next???????
Great pics thanks so much for sharing with those of us who could not attend. Glad you were able to buy something. I have been to shows and had to leave with nothing just couldn't afford half the stuff.
Seems to me it was a "look but don't touch" show. To bad some of things were really charming. I don't decorate with primitives, but I too, like to look. Glad you had a good time.
Hey there Lady.
Great pictures. It was so crowded when I got in there a camera didn't do one a bit of good.
I have to agree about the prices - I LOVE ANTIQUE SMALLS...but even the SMALLS were expensive...but the Prims if you really liked it weren't as over priced as the Antiques.
And for those cotton batting wrapped twigs...YUK...nothing against the designers but those look like kindergarten projects...seriously. I just don't get them!!!
No one got in the doors until 9 sharp...actually the first man kept hollering at someone that it was 9:01...what's the holdup! lol
But I think the early birds are die hards who have SPECIAL VENDORS they like to go to and that's why such a rush.
All in all a fun time had....I am more a clean line Colonial decorator but I love a couple Prims thrown in here and there.
I e-mailed Sherry - did she find a ride home or did she have to hire a ride home????
WOW! What a nice high-quality show! Everyone has such beautifully arranged booths. Sometimes amid all the super expensice stuff there is that one little affordable treasure.
Thanks for your kind words about my work!
That show looks like a lot of fun! I should try to get down there sometime. Even if the prices were high, it's still fun to look. And it looks like you had a wonderful time.
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