As some of you may recall, I mentioned that I really hadn't done any cross stitch in over twenty years and recently have gotten the itch to stitch. I headed to the attic and brought down this ratty old box. (Sorry, I didn't know it was dust covered until viewing the picture.)

I was quite amazed at all the forgotten "treasures" I found.
A few frames...

A needlework coaster/ash tray. I guess that's no longer politically correct.

A partially finished cross stitch piece. The female companion was just barely started.

This is what they are supposed to look like. I know I will never finish these!

An assortment of fabrics ~ mostly linen.

Does anyone remember linen band?

Merrily Beams was one of my favorite sampler designers. Has anyone heard anything of her in recent years?

Lots of Prairie Schooler Santas and other Christmas charts.

A few reproduction samplers from The Scarlet Letter...

...and reproduction samplers from The Exemplary.

One of my favorites...

...and the almost finished sampler.

More reproduction samplers...

...and yet more.

Miscellaneous samplers...

There are so many more charts I did not even look through. In my lifetime, if I never bought another chart, I could never stitch all of these! I'm sure many of you bloggers could put me to shame with your cross stitch "treasures".
Instead of blogging, I should be stitching!
Pug hugs :)
Oh, boy! Do I recognize some of that stuff. The Scarlet Letter is one of my favorite sampler sources. And I remember those from the Examplary. Yep, I have the ga-zillion charts for historic samplers too! A few years ago I gave some of them to a friend. Oh, how it broke my heart to part with them but I knew I'd never do them. I have more UFO's samplers than any other type of handwork unfortunately.
I just love the darned things and can't see to work them any more.
Enjoy your stitching!!!
I passed some of my cross stitch things on to a friends daughter that is now stitching. But looks like you have great things for inspiration.
I still have some of my cross stitch stuff and a friend gave me some embroidery threads that I will never use in a million years. I have way too many interests and now with all the technology that take our time like computers, Facebook, blogging, cell phones, Blackberries etc, we'll never have spare time to do any of that stuff. sigh... We should send all that stuff to third world countries where I'm sure they would put it to good use. JB
I love it! I know I could find a few remnants of my cross stitch days ~ nothing like this though! I made baskets ~ sold all that reed for the many baskets I was going to make! Gave away bolts of felt from all the felted pillows I was going to make ~ doll bodies for all the dolls I was going to dress and on it goes!! We're all alike, aren't we?? Now it's wool and hooking patterns!!!!!! It would make me laugh if I didn't think of all the money I've spent through the years on things I never completed!!!!!! I'm in good company though!!
You are going to be one very, very busy girl. The good news: Winter is coming and you'll have more time for it!
Oh my goodness - these charts are like a trip down memory lane - I recognize so many of them. And Merrily Beams - my first sampler was done by her - I think that she worked with Sheepish Designs at one time. Anyway, those samplers were so wonderful to see!
Oh Lauren - Arn't we all in the same boat. I just open my Pennsylvania Marriage Chest, first time in 8 years and lo and behold! all sorts of crewel embroidery and wools for stitching. Two big boxes of Pearl McGown hooked rug designs in the closet that I will never get to. I think we are in this together and the company is good!
I think un-finished projects are the curse of the crafter! And NO, we would miss you too much if you gave up blogging for stitching!
Hugs, Kim
What a treasure you have re-found! Am not a cross stitcher but it looks to me you have some great stuff!
Get to stitching! You have some beautiful charts there!! Hopefully during this Winter, you'll feel the urge to sit and stitch in a warm comfy chair :) Would love to see some of them done up.
You have a lot of wonderful patterns.
I just started again, and all my old ones were mostly cute country ones.
I love to stitch to relax, and great way to use up loose floss.
I too would love to know about Merrily Beams as we were friends. I loved her work and she used to send me all her new designs. We eventually met up in London (I live in the UK)and talked non stop. However several years later I realised that I hadn't heard from Merrily for a while, I tried writing and e-mailing but have never had a response. Would love to know what has become of her?
Do you still have Pearl McGown items to sell, or any other rug hooking items? I was just looking at some old rug hooking magazines that I inherited from my Great Aunt. The Charter Issue of "Rug Hooking" has a nice article about her, her family and her art.
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