I'm finally getting around to showing you what we saw and did on last weekend's get-away. We started with the Jubilee Museum and Catholic Cultural Center in Columbus, Ohio. The museum is open by appointment only, so it was just the museum curator and us. There is no charge to visit the museum. It was founded in 1998 as a repository of Catholic artwork. It is currently the largest collection of diversified Catholic artwork in the United States. You don't need to be Catholic to appreciate the beauty of the objects. The pictures can all be enlarged to see the detail.
A host was put in the monstrance and used for benediction.
Various stained glass windows from demolished churches.

The middle zuchetti was worn by Pope John Paul II.
The entrance to the Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. We spent the entire day in the museum. It is huge ~ three hangars full of planes, floor to ceiling. There's also an IMAX theater that we did not have time for. Another no charge museum!
There really are some unusual looking airplanes!
From the Air Force Museum, we headed into Dayton. Unfortunately by the time we got there, the Wright Brothers Museum was closed for the day.
A beautiful Asian (?) Catholic church in Dayton. I was disappointed we could not go inside.
This is the Ohio State Reformatory, also know as the Mansfield Prison, which opened in 1896. At that time, they believed they could reform the inmates by teaching them a trade. It is a beautiful old building that was slated to be torn down until a group of citizens formed a preservation society, bought the building for $1.00, and are now trying to restore it. Many believe the prison to be haunted (including our tour guide) and they do offer ghost tours and overnight stays. I don't believe in the ghost part, but it is way too creepy to want to spend the night wandering the building with its peeling paint and lack of heat. The prison has been featured on TV ~ Ghost Hunters, I believe it is called. Movies filmed at the prison include Harry and Walter Go to New York (1976), Shawshank Redemption (1994) and Air Force One (1997).
Looking down the cell block hallway.
An ornate bench carved by one of the inmates.
Not the real thing, but as seen in the movie, Shawshank Redemption.
We stopped in Lebanon and visited the Golden Lamb. You are able to walk through the hotel and peek in all the rooms. It houses a wonderful collection of antique Shaker items.

I really struck out antique-wise. I always like to buy something to remember my trip, but all I ended up buying was a $4.00 treen container to add to my collection. Nothing too exciting. I also bought a pig bottle, also known as a codd bottle, as a little thank you to my DSO for taking me on the jaunt, but I forgot to take a picture of it. One day, I will have to do a little post about pig bottles. It's just an interesting little tidbit. I did find LOTS of things if money was no object, but like the rest of you, it is. I found prices to be high, or maybe I am just out of the loop.
We also spent a few hours in Waynesville. The town is full of quality antique shops, handmade furniture stores and the like. Karin, I did stop at Olde Glory (and here's picture proof like you wanted...lol!). It was a wonderful shop full of very primitive antiques. Even if I had the resources, most items would have been out of place in my 1940 colonial.
Thank you for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)
Your trip sounds wonderful, and have to say Olde Glory is one of my favorite shops and wish I could afford everything in there. Yeah,
want it all. Your penny rug is really coming along bet you are finished by now.
Kaye ~
Thanks for stopping by :-)
I wish! I haven't touched it since I've been back home.
Looks like you had a full weekend ~ what a tour!! Haven't been to the Golden Lamb in years ~ did you dine there? Hope to see you in the next couple of weeks at one of the shows!!
Lauren ~ Thanks for the beautiful pictures, esp. of the antiques. I love Shaker furniture. It looks like you had a great trip!
What great pictures...looks like you had a great trip. I have always wanted to go to Bea's Olde Glory Primitives. I have heard such great things about it but also that it is very expensive.
Hi Lauren, what a wonderful trip this must have been. You hit all of my old haunts from when we lived in Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati!
We missed you today at the French Creek Hookin, hope to see you next time!
Thank you everyone for your comments!
Alice ~ No, we did not dine at the Golden Lamb. Just took in all the "eye candy". Hope to see you Saturday.
Linda ~ The get-away was wonderful. The Shaker furniture is breathtaking!
Kim ~ Olde Glory was wonderful but as you heard it was way too pricey for me, but fun to look at none the less.
Karin ~ I missed coming to French Creek, too. Hopefully next time.
Pug hugs :)
The photos are wonderful. I am not Catholic but that really looked interesting. And the prison, I remember years ago when the kids had to take a field trip there. They were so ticked but after going, they said it was the best field trip they ever had.
Hope to see you at Quail Crest this weekend
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