Monday, August 19, 2024

Stuff ~ and Sauder Rugs

I am always busy (I have whined about it enough times on my blog), but sometimes I am crazier than the  normal crazy.  To say I am meeting myself coming and going is an understatement.  Since I had so many things already priced from when I vended with Sue a couple weeks ago (and I did not want to just put them back in the basement!), I had the bright idea of having a one day sale in my yard.  Friday.  In four days.  And I will be gone most of Wednesday and at least a half day Thursday.  Plus I want to haul more stuff up from the basement that is not priced.  I won't even think about going to the attic 😬  Wish me luck ☘.

In addition I need to get ready for upcoming hook ins where I am vending.  Two in September and two in October.  Plus get a rather large consignment order together for a rug camp.  ARGH!!!  I know.  I know.  I am my own worst enemy.

Maureen . . . here is a link to Saundra's blog where she explains how to not be a no-reply commenter.  I hope it will work for you.

Now for the first of my Sauder rugs.  The talent displayed is amazing.

Celebration Rugs ~

Lots more to come.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Prims By The Water said...

You were not lying when you said these rugs were amazing. Geez I could never hook like these. Just wonderful and so much talent out there. Hope the sale goes well. I wish I had both a basement and an attic. Don't have either....but then if I did they would both be full of stuff. LOL Good luck with your sale. Janice

Saundra said...

All were wonderful works of art. Julia would love the Christian stained glass window piece, I was gob smacked at the pitcher and how realistic it looked with the transparency and of course loved that antique adaptation below it.

NMK said...

I would just Love to go there someday and see these master pieces in person ! Just incredible designs and hooking .
Good luck at your sale....if you empty your basement , let me know , I can fill it up for you again with My stuff !!!LOL You are a Busy Lady !!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

First, and case you need a reminder, you are NUTS. Why??? Just why?! Now...on to the rug. I just have no words. Like Nancy, my initial thought was how I'd love to go there and see the rugs in person; then I thought better of it as I know I would never, ever, hook again. It would make me feel so wholly inadequate - like a child learning to color compared to a master painter. No way to pick a favorite, but, like Mummy D, I was mesmerized by that pitcher/glass and lemons. I could never begin to visualize like that. And the size of some of those! Yikes! Anyways...good luck with things and remember to breathe.... ~Robin~

Maureen said...

Yes, good luck with your sale! Thank you for all the beautiful rug pictures. What a treat and to see one after another, wow! Thanks also for the link to the blog with how to concerning the no reply situation. That was so nice of you

Leonora said...

Wow! THE most amazing rugs. One day I hope to make it to Sauder Village for the rug show.

Saundra said...

Oh Lauren, forgot to mention that now NO ONE'S comments go directly to anyone's personal email whether they are no-reply or not. I've been copying and pasting people's comments into a new message and responding to those whose emails I know. I'm livid with how Blogger has screwed up the venue. Perhaps that is their way to eliminate this form of communication.