Yesterday, my hooker partner in crime, Melissa, and I headed to Ann Arbor, MI for a hook-in. This is my second year attending and I believe Melissa's third. We met up with the Evening Stitcher and friend, Bobbie. I was gifted this sweet lavender topiary. I keep running my fingers over the leaves to release that heavenly scent. Thanks so much, Bobbie!
Each hooker was given a little hooked mat as a welcome gift. Every one was different. I can't even imagine how many each guild member had to hook.
Of course, it was wool heaven. The vendor area was wall to wall hookers. We hookers LOVE our wool :) I tried to behave myself (very difficult!), but I did buy these pieces of wool. What a bargain. All this was a total of $9.00. I also bought another half yard of a dark, dark red that was on sale and a half yard of one of my favorite light neutrals because I thought I was running low, only to come home and see that I had an even bigger piece waiting for a rug. Thankfully wool doesn't go bad! There was so much I wanted to buy, but there is another hook-in in two weeks so I must pace myself :)
So much talent and so many beautiful rugs. Here is a sampling.
Sorry for the arm :( |
My picture does not do this rug justice. The colors were absolutely breathtaking! The hooker started this is a class with Maria Barton (one of my favorite hooker-people).
Thanks so much for stopping by! Happy Sunday to you.
Pug hugs :)