Friday I took a vacation day and headed to the library to spend part of the day hooking. When I arrived, there were only three fellow hookers, but as the day progressed, more dropped by. It was great to be out of the heat that has engulfed us and much of the country! Thankfully we got a bit more much needed rain last evening/night and with today's heat and humidity, maybe we'll get lucky and get some more. Brown, crunchy grass is not on my list of favorite things!
I'll apologize in advance for the poor color of some of the rugs. It is just so hard to get good color, especially under the fluorescent lights.
Lisa was very close to completing two rugs, but did not bring ample wool to finish either of them. She was very close on both. This rug is based on an antique design. The background is the most gorgeous muted green plaid.

This is another antique adaptation Lisa is working on. She got quite a bit more done before she ran out of wool. Here choice of color is magnificent ~ always soft and old looking.

Leah brought this sweet doll she completed.

A close-up of the hooked face.

Leah's sunflower rug with a proddy flower. I love the colors of her sunflowers.

A close-up of the mouse in the lower left corner. She gave both the mouse and the crow little bead eyes.

A Karen Kahle design hooked by Deanna. Believe me, the colors are wonderful!

This is a better representation of the colors.

Carol is the queen of antique adaptations. Here's the latest she is working on. The original is found in the book "American Hooked and Sewn Rugs" by Joel and Kate Kopp. This description is taken verbatim from their book. "A glass dome protects the flowers in a large ornamental urn set on a pedestal. It is placed side by side with weedlike wild flowers in an environment made even more enigmatic by a wriggling garden snake and symbolic stars and crescent moons." The original is dated 1877 and was hooked by John Filker of Amherst, Ohio, which coincidentally is my hometown!

Three hookers are currently working on this antique adaptation from the book "Rags to Rugs, Hooked and Handsewn Rugs of Pennsylvania" by Patricia T. Herr. Carol was the first to hook this rug a few months back. It is a fun rug that makes you smile :-)
Deanna is just getting started.

Arlene is a bit further along.

Mitsuko was working on her binding. She is using a wonderful plaid wool to bind it.

Sylvia is working on the same rug as Lisa using a totally different color scheme. It is amazing how the same pattern can look so different depending on the wools used. (The picture is terrible. The background is much more muted.)

Here's the rug I've been working on forever. I've made very little progress. I haven't had much time to hook and I'm working on birthday gift number three. If I'm going to make gifts, I really need to start so that they will be done in a timely manner!!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you will stop by again soon!
Pug hugs :)
Lauren - you have some really talented hookers there - thanks for sharing the pics! I'm always envious of those that can make something look old plus the ones that can make an item - like that Raggedy Ann doll - i can hook but can't do anything with it from there! Gorgeous! Your rug looks great!
Great rugs! Good that you got to go for a change ~ that's a good use of a vacation day for sure!
Oh, Lauren, I just read your comment on my blog ~ YOU HAVE NO A/C ???!!!! Come over here and sit in the cool ~ you'd be very welcome!!
Some great rugs! Always nice to see different variations of the same design... especially the antique ones! Your horse rug is stunning! Love it!
Sorry I missed it! When in the next library hooking?
Oh, the Liberry Hookers have done it again! More beautiful primitive rugs! You ladies are sooo good!!!
Thanks for sharing these lovely rugs with us.
Beautiful hooking! Beautiful rugs!! Sounds like you had a nice day of hooking Lauren ~ with a nice cool atmosphere. I LOVE the rug you're working on and would love to see it when it's finished.
Hugs ~ Marte
Lots of wonderful pieces.
Good idea to use the library, I should get one going, be a lot cooler than my house;)
Lauren ~ Thank you for sharing the wonderful rugs that your hooking group ladies are creating. You have a very talented group! Can't wait to see your finished rug!
Every single one is great! Thanks so much for posting them..... Love seeing how the same pattern is hooked in a different way.
Your rug is coming along so nicely. Keep it up!!
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