...but I did find a few things at the antique show in Milan. The dealer thought this table top size weather vane might be from the 30's, but I don't think it's anywhere near that old. Nonetheless, I liked it, so it came home with me.
I love little footstools so this little three legged milking stool is now mine. The small hooked mat (not one of my creations) fits perfectly. The stool has a great patina.
I couldn't resist this well worn pair of baby shoes. They probably aren't that old either, but for a mere dollar, I couldn't let someone else snatch them up!
In addition, I bought a wood masher and that was it. Oh, there was LOTS I could have brought home with me, but you know how it is. We must be conservative, right?

One dealer had this set up by his booth. I'm not sure if even he knew what it is.
Great old iron-wheeled wheel barrow.
The show is always very well attended.
This barber pole could have been yours for only $900.
Milan is built around a town square and has the most wonderful old buildings.
The town hall.
Carriage rides were available throughout the day.
I am so lucky to have such a patient DSO. {He really does have a name ~ Frank ~ aka Fritz.} We shop at totally different speeds, so when we antique, we split up and browse at our own pace ~ mine happens to be about four times slower than his, so he will go to the truck, to perhaps read or catch a few zzzz's. Luckily he had a nice shady spot.

What a great day. Sounds like alot of fun. I especially like your little milking stool. Fritz is looking pretty comfortable there. LOL He must have alot of patience.
Oh, Oh, Oh!! Where is the show on Sunday, please? I have two places to be that day ~ what makes me think I can squeeze in one more? What you did find was good ~ the little stool and I like the weathervane even if it isn't real old! And look at the money you saved!!!
What awesome pieces you came home with! And what a lovely town. Looks so nice in the pic's. Hope you share your adventure on your next show!
I find them all treasures! You go to the coolest places! Love that last pic of Frank aka Fritz! Too cute!
Nice finds Lauren! Love that photo of dear hubby! He's a good man to be able to find a spot to sleep at a crowded antique show! That's true love! Thanks for taking the pics as I know it cuts into those "hunting" minutes at the shows! Good luck at the next one!
Cathy G
Hi Lauren,
That looks like a great show! And in such a lovely town! I think I need to make a trip to Ohio!!! Wish my DH enjoyed traveling and antiquing more.
Good luck at the show on Sunday. Can't wait to see the results!
You picked up some great finds. It looks like it was a wonderful show. I was in Ohio this past weekend and came across a few places that I need to go back and take a look at.
What a lovely show...great treasures, especially that milking stool...best of all is the DH!!!
Has Frank been counseling my Hubby?
That is what my Hubby does, untill I wake him for his CC! oh...and to load the truck!
I think we have them trained very well.....
Love the milking stool!
Looks like a fun show, love the iron wheel barrel! OLM
Great show and even better goodies.
Sometime in my mind...something doesn't have to be really old if it works for my decorating and if I just plain like it...it's mine!
What a great spot Fritz found to catch some zzzz's
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