~ ~ ~ one who puts off until a future time. That be me when it comes to taxes and the April 15th deadline. It's not like my taxes {or my mom's or son's} are so hard to do. We are getting refunds {except for me and the State - boo hoo}. They really are pretty simple. I use Turbo Tax. Then why do I have this mental block every year? This year I was going to be good. I started them weeks ago. Did I finish them weeks ago? Of course not. I did get them done yesterday and mailed today. Next year I will do better {grin}!
I thought I would share a few more of my garden goodies. This is a wild trillium my mom gave me years ago. This is the first year I've had two flowers. Woo hoo. The problem is, EVERY YEAR, the rabbits chew off the stems. Every year I think it is dead, but luckily every year it comes back. I hope my bragging hasn't jinxed it!
Pug hugs :)
I'm jealous ~ not a trait that I'm proud of either! I have had TWO wisteria plants for a very long time and they have NEVER bloomed!! I love wisteria and first saw it in Williamsburg and envisioned my trellis overloaded with blossoms ~ nada. Please post pictures when the little darling shows her pretty flowers!!
Hi Lauren,
We have a very inexpensive local lady who does our taxes. Even so, I was rushing around at the Last Minute gathering the necessary information! I hate paperwork!!!
Now the flowers are another story! Aren't they lovely??? Wisteria is one of my favorites. Love to see a porch covered with it!
My taxes went in yesturday, but I get someone else to do them. Don't trust myself! Your flowers are lovely. I do not have a green thumb so I rely on looking at other peoples flowers!
Great flower display. I need to go check my wisteria on the shoreline.
My parents always had huge ones and when we moved them out of a house they had been in 40 years we brought some with us to the new location.
Love the fragrance
You are so fortunate to have SUN to be able to grow these colorful flowers. We have so much shade here it's next to impossible to get much of anything pretty.
I hear you on the tax thing. My husband has an accounting background, uses Turbo Tax and still waits until the last minute to do anything about them. Probably because he knows that we're always going to owe!
Beautiful pictures of your garden.
Your flowers are beautiful! They really put me in the mood to plant some. I hope you have a great day!
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