Thank you for dropping in! Last evening was our monthly hooking get-together at the Fairview Park Library. We should be called the literate hookers! In my haste to get to the library, I forgot to bring my camera, so I don't have any rugs to share with you. I'll try to do better next time!
Karin asked me to share another one of my collections, so Karin, this is for you. This is my cracked crock collection. The majority of the crocks have major "issues", but I love them just the same. The bird crock is my absolute favorite. It was broken completely in half, but luckily it was a clean break so it was glued back together without being noticeable. It is marked Hudson, N.Y. Pottery. I'm guessing I've had it for at least 15 years (and it took me several years to find one I could afford!).

On the left is a Jas. Hamilton & Co. and on the right is a Hamilton & Jones.

The markings on the crock to the left is A. Conrad, Shinston, W. VA. The ones on the right are unmarked.

Another Hamilton & Jones on the upper shelf and an unmarked 2 gallon on the lower shelf.

Miscellaneous crocks on my bucket bench.

A 5 gallon crock with a stencilled eagle that I keep kindling in by the fireplace.

A 4 gallon crock marked C.W. Braun, Buffalo, NY.

A 3 gallon Redwing pottery crock. The lid is probably not original.

Sitting under a table on my upstairs landing.

Atop a cupboard in my hooking room.

Thank you for letting me share my crocks with you. I appreciate you stopping by.
I heard last evening that my Frannie is going to be adopted ~ again. I hope this time it truly is her forever home. I feel badly because I will be out of town Thursday through Sunday and won't be able to do her adoption. I just dropped her off this evening where she will spend one night with an Ohio Pug Rescue member, and tomorrow she is heading to her forever home. I had email corrrespondence today with the new mommy and she sounds very excited to be adopting her. She met Frannie at an event I worked for the rescue and found her to be very special, but I knew that. I had a "talk" with Frannie this evening about why she was going to a new home (I'm such a sap!) and I miss her already, but I know I am doing what is best for her. (But if this adoption doesn't work out, she WILL be mine!)
My DSO (dear significant other...that's a mouthful!) and I are heading to southern Ohio for a long weekend. We will be visiting the Air Force Museum in Dayton, a few antique shops and we have reservations at 3 different bed and breakfasts. Hopefully I'll have lots to post about when I return. Please be sure to stop back!
Pug hugs to all of you :)