It was a perfect day for the antique show in Milan, Ohio, birthplace to Thomas Edison. It is held outdoors on the town square. This show seems to be blessed with good weather every year. (Last year it rained in the morning but soon cleared up.) I ran into a couple of my hooker friends, Karin and hubby and later Mitsuko with her daughter. Also one of the dealers set up I had met in a class I took from Alice at Folk Art Primitives.
If money was no object, there was plenty I would have bought ~ crocks, baskets, samplers, Leeds...but that not being the case, I was rather conservative.
A few years ago, my DSO gave these printer blocks to me at Christmas as a stocking stuffer...
I collect treen (aka treenware). Treenware means that the item was derived from trees. This particular piece is known as Peaseware, made by the Pease family of Ohio in the latter quarter of the 1800's and early 1900's. It is about 5 inches high and about the same width. Peaseware has very delicate turnings and such great form. I have a few smaller pieces but nothing this large. Normally, I can't afford the pieces, but the lid on this piece was broken in half and re-glued and the body also has a crack. Nonetheless, it is a wonderful addition to my collection and I'm thrilled to have found it.
Hi Lauren, Love the treenware piece! And such a neat idea with the letters. Sounds like it was a really fun time. I love going to those places.
I had trouble posting my last post also. It would let me post one picture then wouldn't let me post another. I just had to keep trying. Took forever! Then when it came time to publish the post, it wouldn't do it. Ugh. Had to wait a couple hours and tried it again. Luckily it was all saved as a draft. Finally went through. Must have been just a glitch in the system..
Hi Lauren - Great finds at the antiques show! Don't you love it when you find bargains? Do you know what the treenware bowl would have been used for? I did finally discover how to work around the word verification that was not loading: right click on the red x and then click on "refresh picture with full quality". It works!
Kathy ~
I'm glad I'm not the only one having difficulties. I know Linda from the Wool Cupboard has had other problems. Go figure! I HATE to shop, but send me to an antique show or shop and I LOVE it, especially if I find something I can't live with out that I think is a good deal.
Linda ~
I think the treenware was just the forerunner of Tupperware ~ used for any type of storage. I have smaller pieces that held needles, small tools such as those for a watchmaker, one that held a glass perfume bottle, etc. One day soon I will post about the collection. Once you start looking for pieces, it is amazing how many you can find and for the most part the items are very affordable. I've actually gotten a few pieces for only a dollar.
Thank you both for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)
Boo Hoo, Lauren ~ I missed that show in Milan ~ it escaped me entirely!! It is a great show and I always find things I would love to buy ~ but don't!!! You saw Joan from our class ~ I bet they had nice things, didn't they? And your old cats rug is really looking good ~ nice and old looking!!
Alice ~
Yes, I did see Joan. I'm glad she was wearing a name tag so I knew for sure it was her. We spoke for just a minute ~ she was going to get pie for her hubby. They did have WONDERFUL things. I could have spent my paycheck in their booth alone.
Thanks for the compliment on the rug. I value your opinion!
Did you have any more mayflies at the lake? We had another small crop hatch this weekend. Enough is enough already!!!!!!!!!!!
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