Isn't it wonderful to be totally adored? It helps when you are sitting there eating. What a captive audience I had. That's my foster Frannie on the couch. The other fawn pug is my Loocie. The black pug...that's Marvin. Marvin was a foster left by his owners at a shelter last month. They must have forgotten he was microchipped. The owners were called and told their dog had been turned in to the shelter. Well, duh, they knew it because they left him there. It turned out to be Marvin's lucky day because Ohio Pug Rescue came to the rescue! More on Marvin later.

Here's Marvin and Frannie in my car spooning. It was so cute but hard to capture a pic while driving.

A shot of the handsome guy. The funny thing is, I don't foster boys, but after less than 24 hours with this guy I wanted to keep him. He was the most laid back guy you could ever meet, so very very sweet.

Now the really cool part. Marvin had been fostered in Columbus and brought to northern Ohio for his adoption. I did the adoption on Sunday. Marvin was adopted by this wonderful couple, Joyce and Frank. He has a new three-legged diabetic cat brother named Truman. Joyce is a child psychologist and Marvin is going to be a therapy dog. Oh, and now his name is Winston, after Winston Churchill. You see, Winston Churchill suffered from depression and he referred to it as his "black dog". Winston will go to work every day with Joyce and will be the most spoiled pug in town. I just love a happy ending.

It was a busy pug weekend ~ and I wonder why I never get anything done...lol! There was a rescue event at the Grateful Dog Bakery (isn't that the coolest name?) where OPR was set up. Hopefully someone who was interested in Frannie will fill out an adoption application. She will make someone very happy! Here's a few pictures from the event.

This sweet black girl is Vader. She's blind, although they think she can see shadows. She is hoping to find someone to love her for what she is and take her to her forever home.

Thank you for stopping by to visit the pugs.
If you are considering a pet, please consider a rescue animal. Whatever you do, please do not purchase a pet from a pet store. These animals come from puppy mills. They live in deplorable conditions. If you decide to purchase a pet, seek a reputable breeder!
Pug hugs to everyone :)
Hi Lauren! Love your post! My neighbor is a "foster mommie" for our local animal shelter.
I couldn't do it...I would want to keep them all! Thank you for what you do! (: ~Kathy
Lauren ~ you are good!!! Those are some lucky doggies!!
Lauren - So much love in those pictures! You have a wonderful caring heart! I hope each one of those sweet faces finds a good, loving home.
So glad Winston went to such a wonderful home - to be out and about with his new mom every day is heaven for him. Frannie is so darling - wish I felt I could do justice to a pet but I travel too much. You are so wonderful to do the fostering and bring these lovely guys into your happy home. Mel
Kathy, Alice, Linda, Mel ~
Thanks for dropping by. I do enjoy reading your comments.
Fostering is very bittersweet. It is so hard to give them up, but I know I am doing what is best for them. So far I've been lucky and have met the new mommies and daddies and that makes it a little easier. I just know that if I have a foster failure (I adopt my foster), my fostering days are over since I do not have a fenced yard and walking two pugs is my limit!
Pug hugs to you all :)
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