Thursday, October 17, 2024

Rug Throw Down ~

There was a rug throw down at the Buckeye hook in last Saturday.  I did not get pictures of all the rugs, but here is a sampling.

Detail from above rug.  Lace (?) used to frame the piece and "jewels" to accent the tail feathers.

No hooking happening here, but I did applique a couple more snowmen on coverlets . . . 

. . . and a couple little Rebecca L. Smith applique pumpkins.

My houseguest.  My brother had knee replacement surgery today so Jasmine got to spend time with me.  (Please keep him in your prayers for a speedy recovery!)  Here she is soaking up some sunshine while I cleaned flower beds.

Saturday is the last of my last vending for the year.  So happy I won't have to think about it until next year.

I am off to the lakefront to check out the super moon and hopefully see the comet.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Rugs from a Donna Hrkman Class ~

Donna Hrkman taught two three day classes before the Buckeye Hook In.  I have heard she is an amazing teacher.  During the hook in, there was a throw down of rugs that were being worked on in class.  I hope I am sharing all the rugs that were displayed.  My computer is NOT playing nice, and I have been fighting with my iPhone and desktop computer for the last hour.

Santa rugs ~

Animals ~

From photographs ~

Odds and ends ~

This Statue of Liberty is going to be amazing.  The rug is about 5' tall.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Northern Lights ~

When the northern lights were visible back in May, I think it was, I did not find out until after the fact.  Pictures started appearing on Facebook the next morning.  I was truly devastated that I missed it.  In all my years, I had never seen them.  The second night it was too cloudy and none were visible.

Thanks to friend Sue and my Las Vegas son, I knew there was a chance they would be seen last night.  I was at DSO's and there was too much light in his complex to see anything, so we headed to the park on the Lake Erie I walk through daily.  I was hoping and praying I would see them.  They were not really visible to the naked eye, but for whatever reason the camera on phones picks up the color.  I was as excited as a kid at Christmas!!!

A total solar eclipse AND the northern lights in 2024.  Life is good.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Bumper Crop ~

Growing up, I lived on a small farm (though I was never much of a farmer 😁).  Each year my older brother planted an enormous pumpkin patch.  When harvested they filled our entire front yard and more.  Locally we were know as Pumpkin Town.  I have never had a garden nor planted any pumpkins.  However this year, I had a volunteer pumpkin vine show up in my front flower bed and take over.  Yesterday I harvested my crop.  Now I just wonder how long it will take the da#* squirrels to destroy them.

Since I am vending the next two Saturdays, thought I'd better make a few of these paisley strawberry pinkeeps.  Not something I enjoy making and not sure if they will sell, but eight of them are done.  I just have a heck of a time sewing on the caps without wrinkles 😡

I did finish hooking the pumpkin.  Time will tell if I get it "fully finished" before this Halloween.  It will have a real pumpkin stem, be stuffed and put on an old spindle.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Tomorrow I am heading a couple hours south and will be vending at the state guild hook in.  Then the following Saturday I will be vending once again.  To be honest, I am getting burned out on vending, but it is what allows me to support my not-so-cheap hooking and occasional antiquing habits.

Pug hugs 😊

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Not Much to Share ~

But since I finally got Sue to do a post, I figured I'd better, too 😁  I am crazy busy all the time but don't have much to show for it.

There is a monthly hooking get together with friends, an hour and a half away.  Quite the hike to get there, but so worth it.  Soup & Pie . . . and you guessed it, we get fed soup and pie (all homemade and yummy!) every month (and we get to take leftovers home!!!).  Thank you, Andrea.  You make our get togethers special.  This month we even got gifts.

Heidi gave everyone a crocheted pumpkin . . . I chose the little white one.

And Rhonda gave us the sweetest little kitty pinkeep.

Hooking friends are the BEST!  Thank you.  

Heading home from DSO's this evening, the sun was setting over Lake Erie.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Plus Two ~

Ok.  When Saundra is working on two rugs at a time, the second rug is a plus one.  Since I am alternating three rugs, I guess I have a plus one and a plus two.

Yellow Bird, started in my Kris Miller class, doesn't have a number 😁  A little progress has been made, but I need to reverse hook the waist a bit to get the spacing better.

If you are a hooker, in your wildest dreams would you imagine that this is the wool I used to hook the face?  Friend Sue suggested the wool and she so graciously shared a piece with me.  I LOVE IT!!!

My plus one is Ezra's Farm, started last week in Maria Barton's class.

So what did I decide to do?  Start another small mat since Halloween is quickly approaching and it would be fun to get this one done.  The hooking is nearly complete.  Now whether I get it assembled in a timely manner is another story!

Shady Spot is finally bound.  It took me almost forever.  Now to get it labeled and I can really call it d.o.n.e.  The background is much more subtle in person.

I am about ready to give up trying to get the wool colors to photograph properly!!!  It just isn't happening.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊