Have you ever been on a Segway? Until yesterday, I had not, but what F-U-N they are!!! It was remarkably easy to master and they are so responsive ~ all you have to do is lean forward or backward to make them go or stop. If I lived in an area where it would be practical to get from point A to point B on one, I would seriously consider purchasing one.
For DSO's birthday this summer, I got him (and me . . . wink) an hour ride in downtown Cleveland using Groupon. (If you've never used Groupon, you can get some really great deals.)
Here's Fritz in the "practice" room before hitting the streets. Helmets were mandatory :( Probably wise . . . just in case.
Tooling down the street. The Segway has three speeds, and our maximum was set at 7 mph. I was ready to go full speed ~ 12 mph.
Approaching the Rock and Roll hall of Fame.
Fritz |
![]() |
Me |
With our guide Karl. He has been giving walking tours of Cleveland since 1999 and started the Segway tours in 2006. He commutes to work each day on his.
I believe it's the Cleveland Convention Center that is partly underground, and they have these glass columns that are used for ventilation (???).
Here's me trying to take an artsy-fartsy picture.
That's the Terminal Tower in the background. For many decades, it was the tallest building between New York and Chicago. Growing up, I knew it as the Fairy Building because my mom told me that when you lost a tooth and the tooth fairy came and got it from under your pillow, it was taken to the top of the building :) I love that story and had to share it with our guide Karl. That was a new one to him.
Gorgeous doors on an old bank building on Public Square.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)
Lauren, that is so cool. What a great idea. I would need the helmet. I get easily distracted and it sounds like a sudden shift in balance would have me suddenly zooming. Lol
Looks like so much fun! I have never been on one. My daughter uses groupon all the time
What fun!! I would love to try that and I love all that you took pictures of and I love the story of the fairy building.
I bet you had so much fun. I saw a guy go down our street one day on one and I thought it would be the way to travel and see things.
No, I've never been on one but they do look like fun! Thanks for taking us along on your tour. Hugs, Lori
Hi Lauren, what a hoot!!!! That looks like such a great time...I enjoyed the pictures, Francine.
What a cool post! So much fun!
I've always wanted to try a Segway but they don't seem to have them in our area. Probably too rural. Would they scare the cows, do ya think?!
Looks like you and Fritz had a great time.
Lauren, you're the first hooker I see on a Segway and you look pretty cool. Thanks for the tour of Clevland. I'm so glad that you shared these cool pictures.
Fun! I'd love to try it someday. Warm Blessings! Amy
That looks like a great idea...and fun, too!
Lauren how fun!!!
When we were in gettysburg there were groups on tour on these and they look like so much fun.
Never been to Cleveland - at least in the city - went to the lake one day for some reason but that's all.
Nice tour lady!
I've never been on one but saw the Ellen show a few years ago and thought they would be fun to ride OR to own one.
Looks like you had a great time.
Sweetie, Thanks for the great birthday present. I enjoyed it a lot, especially since you were there too.
Love, S.O.
Looks like lots of fun! Love seeing Cleveland...another great all-American city!
Looks like a fun day!
Never heard of it but I can see where it would be neat to have one!
Hi Lauren--
I love your pictures and posts about your Segway Tour with Karl--so nice! Glad you had fun. I am Alynn and I help promote Segway Tours for Karl. May I use your photos/comments on his website and/or FB page?
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