My DSO has been building an airplane ~ in his garage ~ for over a year and a half, but that is a totally different story that I will share at a later date. Anywho...the plane finally made its way to the airport a month or so ago, and Jake and I took a ride out the other day so Jake could see the plane with the wings on. Talk about one excited little boy when he was allowed to sit in the plane with headphones on!
My little water garden doesn't get much sun. Earlier in the summer a friend gave me some water hyacinths and lo and behold, one is blooming!!! Very exciting. {It doesn't take much to amuse me!}

Here's a great idea I came up with for a quick hose guide. I drove a piece of rebar in the ground and topped it with an old insulator.

Another great idea is from BFF Wink. In memory of my Mom, she sent me flowers. She had sent an old brown canning crock to the florist for them to fill in lieu of them using a vase. I'll always have the crock as a remembrance.
Tonight I'm off to hook with Andrea at That'll Do Farm. Check out her blog or her website for information on her hooking, spinning and knitting get-togethers. I hope I'll have pictures to share!

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)
Jakes happy little face makes me smile. He looks so proud of himself! A future Top Gun guy maybe?? Lol
What a sweet, thoughtful friend you have to send flowers in that great crock.
Enjoy your hook-in tonight.
That plane could fly on the energy beaming from Jakes eyes! Wow! What a happy kid! :-)
I think that boy is ready for takeoff! What great fun for a kid to be able to sit in a real airplane!
The water hyacinths are lovely. Didn't know they produced such beautiful blooms.
Oh Lauren - ;how I sympthize with you. My late husband was a "fly boy." He built four experimental aircraft - Jeanies Teeny - Quail, Soneri and a one-half Jeanie's tennie. Also he was a propeller designer - wow what a life. Hope you survive being the wife of a fly boy! Love your flowers - absolutely beautiful. How is Eema???
That smile is just the best!! What a life full of friends you have. I need a hooking group so much.
That smile says it all!!! Look out he will be flying in no time! Have fun hookin tonight. Look forward to the new creations! OLM
Jake has the cutest smile...he'll be great in a pilot's seat one day!
Hey Lauren -- thanks for the nice words. Had a great time at hooking last night. Hope you make it a regular on your calendar!
Love that pic of Jake! He is always smiling and with you as his Grand he sure gets to do fun stuff! Love your insulator idea!
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