Just thought I would take a quick minute and show everyone that I really have been working on a few things.
I can count on one hand the number of things I've cross stitched in the last two decades. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it. I'd also forgotten how much I don't like filling in large areas...lol! I am currently working on a Stacy Nash design - Tombstone Angel ~ on 28 count linen. I am FINALLY nearing the end of the angel's wings. I feel like I've been stitching on them forever. Thankfully the wings are not perfectly symmetrical because I've made an error or two on the right wing, but I think no one will notice.
I had so much fun punching Pat Cross' Bird Dog that I decided to do another one. Not sure why because there are plenty of other designs I'd like to do.
And finally ~ ~ ~ my hooked rug. At last I've gotten back to pulling a few loops and have made a little {very little} progress.

It's not often I reverse hook. I usually learn to like the wool I've hooked, but that wool under the red horse's front legs has got to go. I like the color but don't like the look of the loops. I'm guessing because it's a solid color. Oh, how I wish I could pull all my loops even...sigh.
It looks like we've got two more days of our heat wave and if we're lucky maybe some rain on Friday and/or Saturday. It would be most welcome.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I do appreciate everyone who takes the time to share in my world.
Pug hugs :)