~ ~ ~ Welcome friends ~ ~ ~ It's hard to think spring when it looks like this....

...but these sweet daffodils from dear friend Judy turn my thoughts to spring flowers. Oh, it can't get here soon enough for me. {{sigh}}

I know here in northern Ohio we haven't gotten blanketed with as much snow as many other areas of the country much less equipped to deal with it, but I've had enough. Give me sunshine and 80 degrees ~ ~ ~ PLEASE!!!
I'm sure my give~away winner has more snow than we do. Kathy, congratulations!

Thanks to all who stopped by and entered. This was fun. I'll have to do it again soon.
Pug hugs :)
Wow Lauren, Thank you! Yes, we are getting hit AGAIN. Had 8" early this morning and it hasn't stopped.
What a wonderful way to brighten my day!!!
Thank you again! Sent you my info...
Hi Lauren,
A nicer person could not have won the give-away!!! Yeah! for my dear friend Kathy! What a nice way to compensate for our terrible winter weather!
Congratulations Kathy! I am very happy for you! Lauren~ Your flowers are very pretty! ~Dan~
Oh Lauren - those flowers certainly brighten the day! All I see is white around here! Woohoo to Kathy! What a generous person you are Lauren!
Congratulations Kathy on winning the give away.
Gosh I hope you are all dug out - we got dumped on Monday thru Tuesday and just finished snow blowing yesterday morning...lots and lots of the stuff!
Keep warm and dry...Karen
Congrats. Kathy, know you will love Lauren's work.
Lauren, those flowers look so refreshing, this snow is getting out of hand. Still snowing in Chardon.
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