Thursday, July 30, 2015

I've Done it Again :(

I've known for a couple months today was D-Day - departure day.  We are heading to California to visit with my #1 bad boy (he will probably be more happy to see his 3 pumpkin rolls than to see me . . . lol) and his girlfriend.  After a few days with them, we will drive north stopping at the Hearst Castle and then proceeding to Napa Valley where DSO's son and fiancée live. 
Did I plan ahead?  I think you know the answer to that.  Yesterday after work I was doing laundry, ironing and packing.  For weeks I've had "plan wool applique to work on while flying" on my to-do list.  Did I?  No again.  Last night at 11:00 pm I was cutting wool pennies.  I did plan one small (very small) Maggie Bonanomi project.  Since I was running out of time pennies were a no brainer.  I will also be binding a rug on the trip out.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute :) 

Thankfully we have a late afternoon flight so this morning I can finish packing, do a little cleaning, etc.  I guess I will just never learn . . . sigh.
Not sure if you will hear from me until I return home.  I am challenged when it comes to doing a blog post on the iPad. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Another One Bites the Dust ~

Another weekend, that is.  I have managed to fritter the weekend away.  I feel I've accomplished nothing but I've been busy.  Yesterday was spent running.  Did go to the downtown Seville antique show.  Didn't really get anything worth mentioning though I did stock up on silver plate spoons for necklaces.  Paid a little more than I'd like, but my inventory was getting low and it's not like I can go to the used silver plate store and stock up.  I need to buy them whenever I can find them.  I also stopped at the Wool Yankers wool sale and bought only three pieces.  I really restrained myself :)  The two on the left are wools I've had in the past and really like.  I never would have thought to purchase the wool on the right, but it is very similar in pattern (but a different color) to the wool that Saundra used on the outer edge of her little black kitten rug.
I also got a vintage rug hook to add to my small collection and a button hook that I couldn't resist.  I think the handle is Bakelite. 
Today . . . I'm trying to finish up the rug that is heading to California on Thursday.  I'm not enjoying hooking it so I've been dragging my feet.  I also need to plan some wool applique projects to work on during the flights and drive to northern California.  It's doable in the cramped space of the cabin.  I also need to think about packing.  I am so bad and don't do a good job of planning ahead.  The next few days will be B-U-S-Y.
That's it.  Just wanted to pop in and say hi.  I hope your weekend has been a good one.

I really do appreciate all the sweet comments about my son's girlfriend. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How Cool is This?

If you watch Good Morning America, you may have seen my older son Bill's girlfriend Melisa (yes, just one "s") this morning.  If not, you can see it here.  She will also be seen in this Friday's People Magazine.  She has lost an amazing 100+ pounds.  Way to go Melisa.  That is quite an accomplishment and you look fantastic:)
And I'd just like to lose 10 pounds . . . and haven't . . . sigh.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Cleveland Zoo Adventure ~

Today I will bore you with my zoo adventure with grandson Jake.  For Christmas dear friend Dolly gifted Jake and me with an "Inside Tracks" tour at the Cleveland Zoo.  It is a 90 minute behind the scenes tour.  Yesterday was tour day.  We had our rain ponchos and umbrella, but other than a few sprinkles on our journey there, we thankfully did not need them.

Dolly spends many days a month volunteering at the zoo.  Yesterday she was at the rhino exhibit.

This is Juba.  The first time we saw him he only weighed a couple hundred pounds.  Now he is 2200+.  He is very special to Jake because one year for Christmas Jake "adopted" him thanks to Dolly.  

At the start of our tour.  Jake wanted to sit with the girls but they didn't want to be too close to him :)

Our first stop was in Australia and getting up close and personal with a wallaby named Foster.  We all got to feed him and give him a quick pet.  I say quick because He moves FAST.

Our next stop is my favorite exhibit at the zoo.  The koalas are tops on my list.  

Next up was the Bactran camel.  Not a very attractive animal.

Our last stop was a temporary exhibit at the zoo for the summer.  The African penguin are tiny little things, weighing about 6 - 10 pounds.  

Here is the penguin zookeeper with Missy.  She is very attached to him and didn't leave his side.  You can see how small she really is.

The zoo added many smashed penny machines since our last visit.  Jake enjoys collecting them.

A ball of monkeys.  There were three of them in this picture. 

I need to get my mind out of the gutter.  This cracked me up.

I am so out of shape.  By 3:00 I didn't think I could walk another step and we did not leave for another hour and a half.  We had a great time and I really owe Dolly a big thank you for such a fun, memory-making gift.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dye-versions ~

Sitting on a cupboard top in the dining room.  A Schooner redware plate, Peaseware container (I LOVE Peaseware) and some antique rag balls in an old wooden caddy.

I started playing in the dye pots because I needed some bright yellow wool.  Think Bart Simpson yellow.  Don't ask :)  This is what I came up with but it just wasn't quite right.  Thankfully Saundra came to the rescue and sent me just the color I needed.  This is another project that I can't share with you . . . sigh.  One of these days I'll hook something I can share.

I also dyed a few recipes from the Barbara Carroll/Emma Lou Lais book.  The blue (prettier in person) and the khaki came out good IMHO.

Antique black on the left came out too black if that makes any sense.  I thought it would be a bit mottled since I barely stirred, but it's just, well . . . black.  The antique black green on the right is too green.  Better luck next time.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs : )
P.S.  One last chance for one of the winners to contact me.  I got a comment that I didn't understand and that person is a no-reply blogger so I can't contact her.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Around the Yard ~

A few pictures taken this evening. 

My yard is a bit of a jungle.  Perennial geranium, black eyed Susan and globe teasel have taken over.

I'm not sure how many fish I have.  I think I bought a dozen figuring half of them would die, but only a couple did.  They are the $.14 feeder fish from the pet store.  They will grow to be several inches long.  They've probably quadrupled in size already.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Gone in an Eyeblink ~

That's how quickly the weekend passes.  Thankfully I got some yard work done yesterday because once again today we're getting some rain here on Ohio's north coast.  Just enough to make everything wet so no yardwork is feasible.  Maybe that's not such a bad thing :)
I've also been playing in the dye pots.  I am pretty new at this and it takes me forever.  I know the book says that it should take 20 - 35 minutes for the color to absorb - longer for stronger colors.  Well, I'm dying antique black and antique black green as I type this and after nearly an hour and a half the dye still has not been absorbed.  I think I'll glug the vinegar soon and see what I end up with.  I'll share my results in the next post.
Grandson Jake and I went to see the Minions today.  I absolutely LOVED it and thought it was hysterical.  Here's Jake after the movie.  I couldn't get him to open his eyes.

Being goofy trying to force them open.  It still didn't work.

Now for the winners of my July 4 give away ~
Fran Caswell
Julia in Canada
Please contact me no later than Wednesday with your snail mail address.  Let me know if you'd like a round, square or oval pendant, and if you'd like silver, black or an antique bronze (?) finish. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Just What I {don't} Need ~

Primitive Junky had a 4th of July sale.  I've always admired Cammie's patterns.  They are just so darned whimsical.  How could I resist getting a couple?  It was hard to choose, but here's what arrived in my mailbox today.
Peter Rabbit - this should be a quick hook except for those dang letters.  I really need to be better about hooking letters.

A True Friend . . .
I think I will hook this in Ellie colors.
What crazy weather we've had in Ohio this summer.  With all the rain we've had (I'm not complaining but my livelihood does not depend on it), everything is so lush and green.  Today we are only in the mid 60's.  Sure happy I don't have a swimming pool at this house :)  And how can it be the second week of July already?  Time's a flyin' for sure.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Birthday, America!!!

As a thank you to all my loyal readers, I am offering a small give-away.  Four winners will be chosen to receive an antique paisley necklace of their choice.  It's simple.  Just leave a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  My only rule is that the winners must contact me within 3 days or I will choose another.  Winners will be picked next Saturday.

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Happy and safe 4th of July to you and your loved ones.
May God Bless America.
Pug hugs :)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Do You Play the Kohl's Game?

Are you like me and don't want to shop at Kohl's if you only have a 15% coupon? 

Last month I had a 30% coupon.  I spent $128.77 and saved $203.64.  I also got $20 in Kohl's cash and a coupon for $10 off a $30 purchase. 

So I head to Kohl's with my cash and coupon plus my $5 in reward money.  I really wasn't in the mood to shop (I never really am) but HAD to spend it or lose it.  I figured I would not be able to use the $10 off $30 coupon since my purchase was with Kohl's cash.  Wrong.  I take my purchase to the register and still have a balance of $3.01 so I grabbed a Godiva chocolate bar for $2.95.  I really wasn't worried about my $.06 balance.

And what did I buy?

This very funky chicken for my yard.

Isn't he fun?  And free is a very good price.
Then yesterday I get my rewards email and got another $10 coupon.  C'mon.  Really???  Would you ever pay full price for something at Kohl's?  Do you play the game, too?
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy 4th to you.
Pug hugs :)