Jake and his dad (my younger son J) decided to do some fishin' Friday evening. Jake was concerned that he didn't have a "lucky fishin' hat".
I guess he didn't need it because he caught this beauty. He was so excited!!! He threw him back in so it could grow up to be a really big fish.
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Fritz is home safe and sound from his big adventure. His goal was to fly to Petaluma, CA from Ohio and he did it. The journey home was not quite what he anticipated.

After arriving in Petaluma, he went to the airport to do some maintenance in preparation for the trip home. Much to his chagrin, he discovered a leak in the fuel tank. NOT GOOD! He siphoned the gas out, took the tank out, repaired the leak, waited 24 hours for it to cure. He re-installed the tank, gassed up and it's still leaking. He called the company that manufactured the airplane kit. They overnighted a different patch material. He siphoned the gas out, took the tank out, repaired the leak, waited 24 hours for it to cure. He re-installed the tank, gassed up and once again it's leaking. He removed the tank for the third time (by then he's really good at it!) and decided the best alternative is to load the plane in the back of a U-Haul truck and head east. I am very thankful that Fritz is VERY conservative and not willing to take any chances.
I feel bad for him because he was supposed to fly to Osh Kosh, WI, for the big airplane event this week. I guess it wasn't meant to be :( Hopefully next year :)
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I called Mo's new family today and spoke with the elderly mother. She said that Mo is doing just great and is such a sweetheart. I am SO HAPPY to hear that. If all goes as planned, I will be getting a new girl in a week or so.
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I have lived within five miles of Lake Erie my entire life and for the last eleven years within two blocks, but this is the first year I've looked for beach glass. There is just a small stretch of beach where it is found at this beach, but yesterday was a very good day. It is not often I find bigger pieces, but I did find a few. I'm quite certain the darker amber-colored pieces are from beer bottles :)
We got some much needed rain this weekend and for that I am thankful. It is still hot and humid, but I am NOT one who is wishing for fall to get here. I will take this weather over winter any day of the week. I wouldn't mind fall if spring followed.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Pug hugs :)