Sunday, August 27, 2023

Week 3 Progress ~ and More

The kitchen/bath remodel is moving along but nothing to show.  Bruce has still been doing prep work and painting.  He thought he might start bringing in cupboards on Friday, but he was still without power from Wednesday's hellacious storms. He has a generator, but it does not generate enough power to run his house and his workshop.  The weathermen say that it was a one in 500 year storm.  

Yesterday's hook in was very nice.  It didn't start out great for me.  For whatever reason, my GPSs (2 of them!!!) would not direct me to the fairground venue and I failed to see the fairground sign attached to the church sign.  I drove aimlessly for 20 minutes.  Thankfully I left plenty early (6:20 am ~ argh!) so it wasn't an issue other than stressing me out.  Sales were okay.  I came home with cash in my pocket so that was good.

Halloween stuff is out in the stores in full force!  Last year when I decided I wanted a 5' skeleton, it was too late to find one.  I found this one at Home Depot the other day.

Only $40 ~ much cheaper than any others I have found.  He will eventually be sitting out on my porch, but not until some time next month.

Amen to this!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Farm Girl said...

Good Morning Lauren,
Its always nice to come home with a little cash in your pocket.
I saw those skeletons when I was in Home Depot.
I missed a few of your posts. I am going to go back and check them out.
Too bad about that storm.

TheCrankyCrow said...

How exciting...cupboards!!! Getting close now. Love your skellie...As I think you know, I have many...and various skellie animals. Not sure they will make it out of their closets this year - other than the one who hangs out year round. None of mine light up though. Fun stuff. ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

How fun that your skeleton lights up! I did not realize the storm last week in your neck of the woods was that bad. Yikes. We had two tornadoes in that storm system. One a few counties to the West of us and the other close to the Ohio border, so I imagine it was pretty bad. Cannot wait to see your redo. Glad you got to the hook in on time. Sucks when you cannot find where you need to go. We have done that before. Janice

Julia said...

I love your skeleton. I would have thought that it would be more expensive than that.

Sorry about your renovator being impacted by the storm. It must have been a doosie.
I'm looking forward to seeing the reno progress.

Sometimes those GPS don't get you to your destination. Mine was telling me to turn on a road through the forest and it was all snowed in with no way to enter. I just kept on driving and sooner than later, I found the right road. Maybe it was a shortcut for the birds. lol.
I'm glad you came home with money in your pockets.
Hugs, Julia

marly said...

Can't believe the humongous creatures at Lowe's. The tallest is ???? 14 foot or more. HUGE! Some witches are quite tall and all are so expensive. Your's is a looker. Cheap date too.