Saturday, June 29, 2024

This 'n That ~

What has happened to June?  POOF.  GONE.  

I have a houseguest for a few days while daddy is in California meeting his firstborn grandchild.  He is over the moon happy to meet her.  My house guest is a cutie, too, though she does shed - A LOT!

I live in an older neighborhood.  My house was built in 1940 and most of the homes are of that era.  I have no idea when streets were repaved or replaced last and all are in pretty bad shape.  I have no idea why, but my block was placed on the replace list this year.  Why mine and not others?  I haven't a clue but I know residents on other streets are not happy.  This morning when I was heading out for my morning walk, a lady walking her dog asked me why my street and not hers which is much worse.  What do I say?  The ironic thing is that this woman, when she has seen me in the past, never once said hi.  I am guessing that was our first and last conversation. 😁  It is amazing how far down they are digging.  Of course, there are complaints about the inconvenience, but how could they do it without the inconvenience and mess?  First the southbound lane is being done and then the northbound.  As my mother would have said, some people would bitch if they got hung with a new rope!!!

My mat from the Ali Strebel class is finished.  The class was great.  Ali was a fun and very good teacher.  I enjoyed learning some new techniques.  (Will I remember them?  Good question.)  Will I be hooking another mat using these learned techniques?  Probably not.  I am happy in my comfort zone of pulling loops with wool.

It is so strange to see the back of the little mat with all the linen showing where alternative methods were used.

Hopefully now I can get some serious hooking done on my rug started at Cedar Lakes rug camp in May.

I am thankful we got some rain.  My gardens and hydrangeas must be so very happy.  Robin, if you sent some of that Wisconsin rain our way, thank you!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Blooms ~

 Daylilies have begun to bloom. 

Yard work has gotten behind.  In the heat and humidity of the last week, very little has been done other than a little necessary watering.  Hopefully soon I will get back out there.  We got a little rain . . . very little . . . probably not enough to do any good 😢

Maureen and Nancy are no reply bloggers who commented on the last post.  I'm thanking you here since I can't personally thank you.  Nancy said she is somewhat new (thank you!) and wanted to know if I designed Askew.  It is a pattern from a Pat Cross book with additional circles added to get the size I wanted.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hooking Progress ~

Askew is hooked, bound, labeled and in its new home.  This is the highest traffic area in my home from outdoors, but am sure it will wear well.  I am just so happy to have her done.

I just have a little more background to hook on Flowers & Berries, the little mat started in the class with Ali Strebel.  I added this little quillie leaf (also known as standing wool) as shown on the pattern.

I thought is looked like a hanging pear 😁 so I eliminated it.

Not much progress has been made on Shady Spot.  I am still not liking the bright blue but will hold off toning it down or changing the wool until more of the background is hooked.

And finally . . . last week DSO and I took a day road trip to Michigan for a Father's Day celebration at his son's.  I needed something no brainerish to hook in the car.  Easiest thing is to hook another handtorn pumpkin.  I should have taken two because I may have gotten them both hooked, but one is better than none.  I have drawn up some pumpkin patterns to try to sell when I vend, so having a sample is a plus.

I will be happy when Flowers & Berries is hooked and bound.  I like having one or two projects in the works, but 4-5 is just too darn many.

I am not a fan of the days already getting shorter!!!  Thankfully the progression is slow for a couple months.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Thursday, June 20, 2024

You Learn Something New Every Day ~

Did you know there is a difference between a "nun" and a "sister"?  Until yesterday, I did not.  According to Bing, the difference between a sister and a nun is mainly the type of vows they take and the lifestyle they lead.  A nun takes solemn vows, which are lifelong and unbreakable and lives in a monastery or convent, where she devotes herself to prayer and work.  A sister takes simple vows, which are renewable and can be dispensed, and often works outside the convent in various ministries, such as education, health care, or social service.

In the past I have shared visits with the Sister I had in both the 2nd and 8th grade.  Yesterday, 12 of us went and visited her once again.  She was so delighted to see us.  Sister Marian Coughlin of the Sisters of Notre Dame (back in the day she was known as Sr. Mary St. Patrick . . . and at some point in the past they had the opportunity to change their name and she took her maiden name) is still sharp as a tack going on 96. 

Also in the group was Sister Valerie, one of our classmates who began her journey to a life with God after the 8th grade and has been a Sister for many decades.  Having grown up in the era when Sisters were covered head to toe and the only thing visible was their face, it seemed so strange to see Sister Valerie in capri pants and sandals 😇

Here's hoping next year we can celebrate Sister Marian's 97th birthday!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Sunday, June 16, 2024

More of Ali's Creations ~

Ali has so many fun ideas she incorporates in to her rugs.  (I didn't get all the pictures I had planned because she started packing up before I had taken them 😖.  My fault . . . I dilly dallied too long.)  Her ideas just seem to be endless.

A great way to hook a sunflower.

Ali will be teaching this pumpkin in a class at Sauder Village this August during rug week.

I went to a workshop hosted by Ali and Maria Barton many years ago.  This is one of the finished projects.  Mine is buried somewhere partially completed.  This may inspire me to find it and finish it!

Check out the sweet little needle felted cardinal in his pocket!

Happy Sunday and stay cool.  The heat wave is coming to a large part of the country.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Outside My Comfort Zone ~ Day 3

I must say, I almost didn't sign up for Ali Strebel's class because our hooking styles are worlds apart.  I must admit, though, I am most happy I did and thoroughly enjoyed the class.  Ali is an excellent teacher and I would recommend her to any style of hooker.

Here are the projects from class in no particular order.  Somehow I missed one hooker's piece.  So sorry, Sharon 😥  If you enlarge the pictures, you can see the variety of methods and fibers.

close up of details from above pic

The only thing I added to my little piece today are the 3 leaves, called standing wool.  For you hookers out there, standing wool is making round quillies and manipulating them in to other shapes.  Three leaves to go then on to the background.  I must say I am very pleased with it.  Thank you, Ali!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Outside My Comfort Zone ~ Day 2

As I said, Ali Strebel is the queen of working with alternative hooking methods and fibers.  Here are some examples that clearly show what I am talking about.

I just love the finishing technique on this little mat.

Ali hooked this from a photograph of her dad.  He is even wearing wire rimmed glasses.  Absolutely amazing!!!

My progress after two days.  The center of the sunflower is clipped loops (though hard to tell because of the wool I chose) and the round blue flowers are little needle felted "pillows" sewn on with a narrow wool strip.  The only thing left to plan are the leaves and we have a idea for those.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊