Thursday, July 20, 2023

Plant Moving ~

I normally don't move plants mid summer so not sure why I have decided to move so many this year.  I have been digging up some of the more invasive prolific plants and passing them on to neighbors.  At the price of perennials, I hate to just throw them away.

My passion flower vine, a invasive prolific reseeder, has the most unusual flowers.  So funny.  They don't seem to have any roots when you pull them from the ground.  Their seed pods are about the size of a small lemon.

Friend Laura has been gifting me some plants so need to fit those in the yard.  She gave me an angel vine and when we were out antiquing the other day, found the perfect concrete pedestal to plant it in.  Unfortunately, she gave me the plant after we returned home, so yesterday I had to make a two hour round trip, $20 in gas plus turnpike tolls to go buy the darn thing.  

Sometimes you just do crazy things, but it is perfect, don't you think?

Tomorrow I am off to a dye class in the morning offered by a guild I belong to.  Vernon Junction Sue is joining me.  Then in the afternoon a local "summer market" is close to home.  I hope the quality of the crafts/merchandise, along with vintage items, is still high and the booths are not filled with Chinese imports.

No moss growing under my feet 😁

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Farm Girl said...

Hello, I have plants that I have yet to put in the ground, its just been so hot.
Your garden is so lovely. Because I don't have the room, I have to choose so carefully.
I hope you have fun yesterday, how nice to get going to a class.

NMK said...

Love the Angel Vines pretty & delicate ! I almost bought a Passion Flower this year ...their flowers are so unique !
Oh your dying class sounds great !!! I Need to learn how to do this too !!! Have Fun !!!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Have plans to move several of my plants, Buy. . Will wait until cooler because I’m not committed to watering during August.

Sue Swank said...

What? What show?? Do tell.

Julia said...

It's perfect. I love that concrete pedestal. It must have cost you a pretty penny.

Have fun with your dyeing class and do share what you dyed with us. (Virtually, that is.)
Enjoy the weekend.
Hugs, Julia

Julia said...

I wish I could grow passion flowers here but our zone is 5a and too cold.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Shame on you...Why the heck wouldn't you have gotten that pedestal the minute you saw it regardless of whether you had a plant in mind at the time for it? I hope you spent your 2 hours of traveling time reflecting on your foolishness. 🤣 If you haven't figured it out by now, I LOVE the pedestal. Lucky you to be able to grow passion flowers. There was an out-of-the-way place that used to carry a plant or two each spring and I would make the trip to get them...but the place stopped getting them and then went out of business. They are just annuals here and don't reseed or, if they do, the seeds don't survive the winters. Wish I were close enough to rehome some of your perennials. Not that I have a whole lot of room but you know it's true what they say - if there's a will, there's a way. Have fun at class and market! ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

We had a bad storm blow in right as I was done with work today. So glad as the power went out here at home. It was so bad the door trellis Bob made is only hanging on because of the vines that were attached to it. So glad cause it would have flung right into my car. What a pretty passion plant and yes that cement pot was worth the travel. We were surprised at the cost of the toll and decided to take the long way home...we were cheap. LOL I forgot to tell you the other place we went to was Cornfield Primitives. Jamie use to do the same shows we did. I traded a few prims with her for the table. I did get a few other things that were small, but her shop is gorgeous and so are her gardens. Janice

Saundra said...

Ditto what Cranky Crow said about your foolishness.
After it cools down I MUST separate my daylilies, Iris and other perennials before they die off. But surely not now with this heat, humidity, ticks and mosquitos.
Looking forward to another great blog post with wool dye results; tell Sue I said "HI".

acorn hollow said...

You are always doing the most fun things! Love that idea
Of the planter

marly said...

That flower is gorgeous! And the concrete planter was worth the trip. Great addition to all the features in your gardens. My baskets are croaking, I didn't realize Mini Famous are not the best variety and they won't make it much longer despite the fertilizer and advice. The other two are partying with the aphids.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

our passion vines haven't blossomed yet, but oh how I love when they do!!
your concrete base is perfect, can't wait to see the vine training down the side :)
enjoy your outings!