Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday Update ~ Part 3


Last week was not a very productive week.  I was gone more than usual.  That's my story . . . and I'm sticking to it 😁

Nary a loop was pulled . . . sigh.  Santa's face is not hooked.  Acorns are just a vision in my head.  Pumpkins do not have a patchwork back.  The RLS pumpkin kit is still MIA.

Primitive Gobblerbind - label

Jack's Crow - bind - label

Santa - hook - bind - label

Scaredy Catpattern to linen - hook - bind - label

Pumpkin for wood boxpattern to linen - hook - bind - label

Acorns - pattern to linen - hook - sew on backing and lightly stuff

Hand torn pumpkins - pattern to linen - hook - patchwork back

Horse mat - applique

5" pumpkin - applique

RLS pumpkin - find kit (!) - applique


Friend Belinda has a 5" cast iron skillet.  I don't know if it was really meant to be used for cooking (one egg?) or just decoration.  I have been hooking or appliqueing her seasonal mats.  This very simple fall mat was done this past week.

The binding is finally done on Jack's Crow.  I had a hard time deciding what wool to use (I didn't have enough of the wool left over from the rug to use) but finally found a wool that was close.

I would describe his shirt as a dirty textured oatmeal.

I tried a new to me binding technique for Scaredy Cat.  Terri Leamer had shown an edge finished with Xs.  Friend Melissa took it a step further by wrapping the edge in wool before stitching the Xs.  Next time I think I would do a bit narrower edge, but I have to say I just love the way it turned out, wonky Xs and all.  (I tried taking the picture outside because inside it was washed out . . . well, still not a true picture, but you can see the cat is hooked with gray, black, dark blue and even some very dark red.  The color variations are much more subtle in person).

Only one week left to finish the list!  I don't think it will all be done . . . but it should be close.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Jacqueline said...

I too am a list maker. Love marking them off!

Donna said...

The pumpkin is great the wool you chose is perfect as is your trim. Scarecrow is adorable..some one of these days I will get to doing one also. Carry on...Donna

Julia said...

Both, your pumpkin applique and Jack's Crow are beautiful. You are such a talented woman. I'm sure you will buckle down and get it all done just so you can cross it off your list.

I put away one very long garden hose yesterday and this morning, Jack Frost visited. I had my peppers covered. A good thing I did.

Stay well and safe.
Hugs, Julia

Saundra said...

LOVE the wool covered edge with your Xs and they don't look wonky to me. Lovely pumpkin applique you did for your friend. Good job!

acorn hollow said...

You still got lots done. I am going to finish my rug with the Xs great look.

Prims By The Water said...

Never seen a finish like this before. Very different. Love the cat! Good luck on your list. Janice

TheCrankyCrow said...

Well, GT....I can absolutely ZIP, ZERRO, NADA, accomplished since you first started posting your Monday let that sink in as to how much more productive you are than I am. LOVE both your finishes....but am at the pint of coveting Scaredy Cat. GAH!!! And you wouldn't know "wonky" if it smacked you in your pretty face. ~Robin~

moosecraft said...

Love that kitty cat mat! The x border is awesome!
It's "funny" how days fill up with "stuff" and how quickly time is flying by... I realize we all want this year behind us... but, yeesh! It's almost October? Ack! lol!

Farm Girl said...

I love the Xs on that rug binding. I do enjoy seeing your hooking. Its always so nice and even. I keep thinking I will get more time to hook. I hope you have a great week.

Linda said...

Love the x border on your kitten mat its perfect for this piece. I am also a list maker just not so good on the completion end doing alot of revision lists ..... Enjoy your rug hooking always see something new to learn from the folks that blog. On the 5" cast iron fry pan - I have my dads', he always made fried potatoes early in the morning. It was a great one person serve since as kid did not want to eat them everyday like he did. Your pumpkin applique is perfect for it.

marly said...

Biscuits. Damn. Jack is so adorable. And I think the list progress is great. You've inspired me to make one.

Jennie in GA said...

Great finishes. I do really like the cat finish.... might try it. I only lack the background on that one. Love the pumpkin mat. If you get all of that done this week, you will be

JustGail said...

I like the finish on Scaredy Cat. And Jack's Crow is adorable, I like the muted colors rather than the "normal" Halloween ones.

I have a little cast iron pan from Mom's things and it shows lots of use, but I don't remember her actually using it. I think as you say - a single egg, maybe 2. I'd think it would also work great for toasting spices or nuts. Or a single serve upside down cake, or crumble. Or... Darn, I just had breakfast, now I'm hungry for a desert!