Wednesday, May 8, 2024

More Charleston & Car Hooking ~

After our carriage ride, we took a half hour boat ride out to Ft. Sumter, which is where the first shots of the Civil War were fired on April 12, 1861.

Note the unusual configuration of the American flag.  You can read more about it here.

After our return to land, we headed to Patriots Point to see the USS Yorktown, an aircraft carrier built during WW II.  

We then toured the USS Laffey, a destroyer also built during WW II.

Sadly it was time to take the two hour drive north to our hotel without seeing all we had hoped to.  Upon arriving at the hotel, we needed to pack our bags in order to leave bright and early the next morning.

I got a lot of hooking done in the SUV heading south and then back home.  Had I cut enough wool, I would have gotten the raffle rug background done.  As they say, close but no cigar.  The background is actually a very dark blue, not black.  The rug has since been delivered to the hooker who will hook the leaves.

I then started on Scaredy Cat, another small mat that will be given away.  If this looks familiar, it is because I have hooked it several times.

Both of these have been finished since my return home, but nary a loop pulled on Askew 😢

I leave for rug camp Sunday and have been trying to get yard work done.  Too bad it never stays done . . . sigh.  Thankfully I know what rug I will be hooking and have most of the wool pulled that I plan to take.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Thanks for the info on the diamond shaped star flag.
Am surprised you really went back and packed your bags instead of waiting until the last minute. But then DSO was nearby so you couldn't dilly dally, lol.

Sue Swank said...

Sounds like you had an action packed vacation. I'm glad you had a good time. Now back to the daily grind.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Wow...that really was a whirlwind visit! Why didn't you stay longer?? I never knew about the Fort Sumter flag. Interesting. I've loved every one of your Scaredy Cat mats and this one is no exception. At least you're hooking...and off on another adventure soon. Have fun at camp! ~Robin~

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

have fun at camp!!! you are one busy little lady...keep on truckin' :)

Julia said...

Interesting story about the flag. I learn something new every day.

I think that you chose a perfect time for your whirlwind trip before the tourists become too numerous and before it gets too hot. You got a lot accomplished while vacationing.

I love your statement about the yardwork. You are so right. I wanted to work outside today but it's cold and wet. Take care, hugs.

NMK said...

What a Fun trip & now onto more fun Rug Hooking Camp !!!! Yippee

acorn hollow said...

you saw a lot on this trip. you are on the go a lot! Have fun at rug camp can't wait to see what you are working on.

Hena Tayeb said...

The rugs are coming together wonderfully. Nice pictures.

Prims By The Water said...

I did not realize how massive out battleships were back then. We would love to tour anything related to history Will need to tell Bob about Charleston. We went to Savannah and that has so much history as well. I love your hooking. Where did you get that cat pattern. I need to purchase that one for my self. Happy Mother's Day to you Lauren! Janice