Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas Eve ~

The big day is almost here.  We will not be having a white Christmas in northern Ohio.  I do like a white Christmas . . . the only time I like the white stuff . . . but the upside is the snowplow drivers get to stay home with their families 💓

Today I thought I would share with you some special ornaments.

A small teardrop ornament from my maternal grandmother.

Another friend who totally understands me.  We were at the Christmas open house at Seville Antiques and I was admiring these blue kugels.  Yes, the real deal.  I was trying to decide if I really wanted to spend the $$ to buy them.  Upon my return to the booth they were gone.  Little did I know dear friend Laura had bought them for me.  Such a generous and special friend.

A patriotic snowman . . . 

. . . and an Uncle Sam nutcracker dated '88.

Old glass horn.

Fun little snowman in an old baby shoe purchased this past summer from one of the vendors during Rug Week at Sauder Village.

When I am on vacation, I always try to come home with an ornament.  This manatee was from when went to sailing school in the Keys.

I just have always love this court jester.

Figural light bulb ornaments.

A cloisonné pug ~ a gift from my sister.  Please keep her in your prayers.  She ended up in the hospital a couple days ago and has been diagnosed with the same heart issue that my brother just had surgery for.

Ornaments made by my boys in preschool back in the 80's.

Younger son at age 6 in 1987.

A ceramic angel my mom made.

The Little Drummer Boy painted by my mom.  He is only 2" tall.

I think I post St. Nicholas every year.  One of the most beautiful ceramic pieces my mom ever made.  The sampler behind him is the first antique one I bought 30+ years ago.

Many of you know friend Linda as Primdollie on Facebook and on Primitive Handmade Mercantile.  She gifted me this sweet little snowman when she was over the other day.  Thank you, Linda 😉

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Wonderful ornaments. I'd be scared to handle those delicate glass ornaments for fear of dropping one.

Saundra said...

Oops, hit send too fast. I meant to wish you a very Merry Christmas.

Julia said...

I had never heard of Kugel ornaments. Some are very expensive. You have such good friends. I would be afraid of dropping them too. I didn't set up my big Christmas tree this year as it will be a very quiet Christmas again this year. I decorated but very minimal. It will take me about 15 minutes to put everything away.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, peace, love, joy, and hope.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Merry Christmas Eve my friend. I am so glad you've had time to enjoy this Christmas means that we get to see more of your incredible collections. These ornaments are wonderful - and even more wonderful are the thoughts attached to them and memories of those who gifted them to you. I love, love, love the Kugel ornaments. Well, back to looking for Christmas here in Nod. ~Robin~

acorn hollow said...

Lovely ornaments. I am so sorry to hear about your sister.
Wishing you a very merry Christmas

marly said...

My collectible ignorance is showing again. Kugel to me is the cottage cheese and noodle dish I make. I saw berries in a thrift store that looked like the beige one and two others a little smaller, looked old and worn, but I'm cheap and left them.

I hope they work out your sister's issues with meds and she is home soon!

Merry Christmas to you and family !

primdollie said...

Merry Christmas dear friend!! Love all your beautiful ornaments esp the kugel ones!!! Had no idea about them!! Too fun!! Happy you like the little snowman I made you! Enjoy! Love and hugs dear!! Merry Christmas and happy New Year ❤️❤️

Prims By The Water said...

Oh no. Praying for your sister. I would have purchased those kugels. So glad you ended up getting them. I am really liking those figural bulbs too.. Hope you had a fantastic Christmas! It was 55 here and foggy. Janice