Monday, December 18, 2023

Another Santa . . . or 3?


Yesterday I headed to the Medina Flea Market of Collectibles, about an hour from home.  I really was hoping I wouldn't find anything, but of course that was not the case.  I found a couple Cleveland Browns items for my Las Vegas son, a diehard Browns fan.  Since his Christmas box was already mailed, they will be birthday presents.

This is the really fun stuff I found.

The Santa on the left will be gifted to my s-i-l as an early Christmas present.  It's hard to tell, but those two white blobs are figural light bulbs, one a Santa face and one a snowman.  The entire haul was only $34.  Oh, how I love a bargain!!!

This vintage Santa has two markings.  C 1960 N.D.I. and also HIIC Japan.  He has some serious rust issues that can't be seen from the front.  At one time he was battery operated.  I think he would have rung the bell.  My steal at only $10.  (At least I think so!!!)  He's probably 12" tall and looks perfect next to my metal candle candy (?)  container.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

You gotta be kidding me, "hoping to not find something to buy?" You go knowing you WILL, lol.

NMK said...

Great deals , who could pass those ups ???

Prims By The Water said...

You reminded me I wanted to start a new collection of those Santa bulbs. Too late now. LOL YOu found some nice items at a great price. Janice

TheCrankyCrow said...

You find the coolest stuff. You're right, your new vintage Santa looks perfect next to that (very cool) candle tin. I, however, am smitten with the little fella next to your Santa and snowman bulbs. ~Robin~

marly said...

Why would you make the trip to the shop while hoping you don't find anything? LOL!! I may visit one less than an hour away, but we're not familiar with that area and not crazy about getting lost in it.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

great bargains! love those santa & snowman bulbs too!

WoolenSails said...

Love seeing all your Christmas decorations and your Santa collection is wonderful.
I have a ton of Christmas cat ornaments, but I mix them up since I have a skinny tree now.
