Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Raffle Rug ~

I am finally getting around to posting the Crooked River Rug Hooking Guild raffle rug in the hopes I can sell a few tickets 😁  Pumpkin Tower is 12 1/2" x 26 1/2" and was hooked by several guild members.  Yours truly hooked the background.  (It really is rectangular . . . just the picture is a little wonky.)  It is a pattern by Heidi Kramer who started our guild.  Her business name is Woolnuts.  Great name!

Tickets are $1 ea or 6/$5.  You can mail me a check or I can take a PayPal payment . . . Friends and Family only!!!  We will ship for free if you are the lucky winner.

We had hellacious thunderstorms roll through northern Ohio yesterday.  (Unrelated to Debby.)  Many nearby trees snapped off, some landing on houses.  Maybe it was a blessing my maple tree had been cut down just days ago.  Branches down everywhere.  But surprisingly not much rain.  Enormous power outages.  I was thankful to only be without power for about 5 hours.  I have nothing but kudos for the power company employees.  What a tough job.  Some areas are still without power.  A bit of a bright spot, though.  A tree was snapped in two and fell within feet of our eagles' nest and the nest was not damaged!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. Heard on the radio this morning there is a chance of thunderstorms and more rain again today. But of course it is summertime.
    What is the 'collapse all comments ..Expand all comments' about? Have never seen that before.

  2. The thunder storms have been so sever this summer. Glad you got though unscathed

  3. A week ago a Micro Burst went thru an area near us , lots of damage and so many trees uprooted. Tomorrow Hurricane Debbie should bring us a lot of rain all day long ...a good day to hook , and hopefully no damage .
    Your groups rug is Beautiful !

  4. Beautiful rug, and hooking! ~ we're going to open a mushroom farm if this rain keeps up!


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