Monday, August 5, 2024

Purchases ~

Robin was wondering what I purchased at the show.  I don't think either family member reads my blog, so I will take a chance and show my purchases . . . but not say which are gifts and to whom 😏

I purchased the little hanging cupboard from Sue (who I was vending with).  She was going to hook a piece for the front and never got around to it.  Now I can do the same . . . LOL!  You can't go wrong with an old celluloid ram and I have always thought the kerosene jars were neat.

The old drawer was only $1 and it would be cool to hook a piece for that, too.  I have a weakness for those hand cut dovetails.  (Sorry for the camera shadow!)

You know how I love garden junk, and the old chicken feeders will be a fun addition.  The one with the missing top is perfect to add a plant to.  My dad would be rolling over in his grave if he knew I bought those.

Some old carders.  Another project.  Wouldn't an applique or punch needle piece be fun to put on it?  We'll see how that goes 😁

Nothing too exciting, but I think fun stuff nonetheless.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. I had some carders many years ago and ended up giving them right back to the thrift shop where they were purchased, lol. Good luck on your success where Sue failed, lol.

  2. Cannot wait to see what you put on the carders and the cabinet. How fun will that be. Hopefully you will succeed in tis where Sue did not. Janice

  3. Can't wait to see what you hook for the cupboard and drawer! I've always loved your little pieces you do for the tall, narrow. drawer you have. I'd always hoped to copy that idea but never got that far. I punched the sweetest little Halloween piece and mounted it on an old carder years and years ago. It got put away for WWR...and, somehow, was one of the pieces that never resurfaced. For several years I looked over and over for it but, so far, it hasn't turned up. So bummed! Love that kerosene jar! Yours looks exceptionally clean. Thanks for taking the time to share with us! ~Robin~

  4. You found Great treasures !! I have never seen a kerosene jar like that ! And you little cupboard & drawer are great ! Drawers I see around me have gone from $1.00 to $20.00 !!! They are perfect to put a hooked or punched piece in . Also your old feeders are Neat !!!

  5. At the outrageous price we have to pay for chicken meat, those little chicken feeders may well come in handy. Take care.
    I love your kerosene jar.


  6. I agree with you on the dovetails. And those are very nice. Some are straight sided but those angles are great. My laptop is still hissy fitting, had trouble getting to you comment page. But made it!! Sorry about your tree, glad you weren't there to hear the saws.


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