Sunday, August 11, 2024

Around the Yard ~

I am not sure how I manage to be busy all the time and accomplish so little.  I have pulled a few (very few!) loops on Shady Spot and have been working on binding the three little door prize mats for the September hook in.

Yard work always needs to be done.  As usual, the damn deer have been enjoying my hostas.  

Passion flower vine is so invasive, but the flowers are most unusual and beautiful.

The variety of morning glories that reseed every year are also quite invasive.  I just don't have luck with the pretty blue ones.

Naked Ladies, aka Resurrection lilies did well this year.

My black eyed Susan vine is growing like gangbusters, but I have had only a few flowers 😞

Random shots around the yard.  The gardens are starting to look a bit tired.  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. I first encountered naked ladies when we lived in New Orleans ( how appropriate!) and I have loved them ever since. Have not grown them myself though. I’m seeing clumps of them here and there now when out doing errands. I need to get some! For deer have you tried knotting a bar of Irish Spring soap in a nylon stocking and hanging it from a shepherds hook or something like that right where they stick their greedy noses? Early spring it helps here when young tasty perennials are getting big enough to temp the *%@# critters. Mind you, just 10 feet away is the vast green woods full of tasty looking things growing for their enjoyment

  2. PS my flowers are starting to look tired too. The zinnias are still bright and perky though. Thanks for sharing your pretty beds with us

  3. Your flowers and yard are, as always, gorgeous!! I've all but given up. Actually, I went out yesterday to take photos do a post and could find little picture worthy.... Things are getting eaten alive - first the rabbits, and now the bugs. Ugh! Your morning glories are beautiful - mine seem really small this year and not as many flowers. And I love those naked ladies! I'll have to see if I can find some around here (if they grow around here!)...oh, wait...rabbits. They were particularly fond of the lilies so getting more might be a waste. And your passion flower is amazing? I had them a couple of years but could find none the past couple for some reason. They aren't perennial there, are they? Well, back to watering what I have. ~Robin~

  4. Black eyed susans are my favorite! Now I'm going to have to search for the vine variety! lol!

  5. That is so much work!! But we like seeing your gardens throughout the year almost as much as you enjoy them. First time my Bubblegums are scrawny, even with all the fertilizer. They must be going into crabby mode because of summer fading so quickly.

  6. August is my least favorite month, it’s hot, it's humid, it’s dry and the flowers are tired. I’m still weeding, still mowing, still reworking beds. Already started making a gardening list for 2025

  7. Your garden takes a LOT of work and it shows. My favorites are the black-eyed Susans and believe it or not could not get any to grow. Of course I only tried one season and gave up. My worse choice in plants when the gardening bug hit was planting periwinkle (vinca minor) and another plant whose name I can't remember. Both are so damn invasive!!!!!!

  8. Beautiful flowers! I dont thing they are doing bad at all. My sky blue morning glories Bob thought were weeds and pulled them out. GRRR now I have to plant again next year. The Bluebeards are just starting to bloom and should have been blooming last month, so not sure what is up with that? Janice


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