Thursday, August 15, 2024

A Little Birdie Told Me ~

A little mat hooked, bound and labeled and ready as a door prize mat at our guild's September hook in.

Two more door prize mats.  

Mats have been very slowly coming in and since I am co-chair of the hook in, I want to be sure there is at least one mat on every table!

Maureen, a no-reply blogger, mentioned that hanging Irish Spring soap in old nylons at deer nose level is supposed to deter deer.  Someone mentioned that last year, (Maureen?), but of course I never tried it.  Maybe next year . . . if I remember . . . 😁

We found a growth on Ernestine's chest over the weekend and got her in to the vet as quickly as possible.  The vet did not seem alarmed and said we could biopsy it or just watch it.  No guarantees that it is not something bad but hoping it is not.  Putting brachycephalic (flat faced) dogs under anesthesia can be risky so DSO will just monitor her.

In her younger days . . .
she is much more gray

Please adopt ~ don't shop!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


  1. Love your pretty matts !!!! Hope Ernestine will be just fine !!!

  2. What a sweet birdie! Of course who doesn't love a heart or two, or a pumpkin or two. With you cracking the whip I'm sure there will be a mat on every table, lol.
    Wonder if dogs get sebaceous cysts like we humans? Hope she will be okay. As much as I'd love another dog don't think I could handle another heartbreak. Terrible to say this but each dog I've lost has been more heartbreaking than losing a family member. My bad, I know.

  3. I'd have to clone myself so one of me could sit on each table where one of your adorable mats is and cross all of my (by then many) fingers, toes and eyes and hope and pray I win. I want all the Lauren mats. ;-) Scary about Ernestine...sending prayers it's nothing bad. I know our little Gazoo (shih tzu) used to get lumps and bumps all over and each scared the dickens out me but they all turned out to be nothings. ~Robin~

  4. Gosh I’m sorry my comments are still no reply. If anyone can tell me what else to do to change that I’d appreciate it! Wasn’t me who recommended the soap treatment for the deer last year but now you know there are at least two of us out here that do it! 😉

  5. LOVE that little birdie mat! Fingers crossed Ernestine will be ok!

  6. Loved your cute mats! vert interesting blog , Also visit here for carpet repair
    to cure damage by our pets.

  7. adorable mats!!! prayers for Ernestine that all goes well :)


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